    Where to find all the Melancholy of Faith books in Genshin Impact

    Where to find all the Melancholy of Faith books in Genshin Impact


    In Genshin Impact The Melancholy of Faith books are collectible items, thanks to which you can find out a lot of interesting things about the game world and get some source stones. In total, 10 volumes can be found in the world. In this guide, we will indicate their exact location.

    How to find books from the Melancholy of Faith collection

    Vera’s Melancholy (I), II, III, V, IX

    • Location: city of Mondstadt

    Head to Knights of Favonius Headquarters, enter the building and turn right into the second door. This will take you to the library. Here you can find a huge number of a wide variety of books, including several volumes of the collection you need. In the screenshots below, we have indicated the exact location of the books.

    Vera’s Melancholy (IV)

    • Location: city of Mondstadt

    Look to the northwest of the Good Hunter store. The book lies on the balcony of the second floor. The images below show its exact location.

    Vera’s Melancholy (VI) and X

    • Location: city of Mondstadt

    These two books can be found in Jean office, which is located in the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius. Enter the building and turn left at the first door. You can find many other books here. By the way, the 6th volume was added With You with update 1.1.

    Vera’s Melancholy (VII)

    • Location: Dawn Winery"

    Head towards the indicated building, but do not enter it. Instead, find a place with tables outside. On one of the tables there will be a book you need.

    Vera’s Melancholy (VIII)

    • Location: Dawn Winery"

    After picking up the previous book, enter the distillery and head to the office of its owner, Elzer. This volume will lie right on his desk.
