In Resident Evil 4 (2023), Treasures in the Village are special collectibles that you can sell to a merchant for large sums of money. After finding all such artifacts and decorations in the specified area, you will unlock the "Rogue" achievement. In this guide, we will tell you where to find them.
Village Treasure Features in Resident Evil 4
How to look for treasures in the Village
You can noticeably facilitate your search for jewelry by buying treasure maps of certain regions from a merchant. After acquiring them, diamond-shaped icons will appear on your game map, showing the approximate location of valuable gizmos. Purchase a card for one Spinel (obtained by execution of instructions ) for the specified area, you can in Chapter 2 when you find a shop near the Abandoned Factory. However, if you follow our guide, then you will not need this piece of paper.

Some treasures will be in unopened blue or red chests, while others will be hidden in barrels that will need to be broken. Still others will be completely locked in special boxes, to open which you will need to find a key or solve a puzzle.

Sometimes the decorations will be in small metal bells (lamps) suspended above the ground and making a squeaky sound. They can be shot down with firearms. However, be careful, because if the bell falls into the water, the value of the item in it will drop. Therefore, you need to accurately calculate the time for the shot.
Combining Treasures
Quite often, you will come across gems and artifacts with empty slots. These items can be combined with each other, increasing their total cost. To do this, go to inventory, open the tab "Important Things and Treasures"
, and then select some item with cells and press the button "Combine"

A new window will open in which you can select gems and place them in the treasure. The new price of the item can be seen in the lower left corner of the screen. We advise you to study the bonuses from combining to get the maximum benefit. For example, identical gems usually give more money than multi-colored gems.

As such, we strongly discourage you from selling gems and socketed jewelry separately, as you will lose a lot of money if you do so.
Expansion "Treasure Map"
To all owners of the Deluxe edition, Capcom presented a DLC that adds additional treasures. We will also indicate their location, however, if you are playing the regular version, then you may not have these items.
Where to find all the treasures in the Village in Resident Evil 4 (2023)
In total, 39 treasures can be found in this region. His study will cover exactly six chapters. Below we will not only indicate the location of the jewels, but also tell you, if necessary, how to solve puzzles and find keys to get to the right items.
You will not be able to return to the specified area after the completion of the 6th episode, so it is advisable to collect all the treasures in one playthrough.
Treasure 1: Velvety Gem
- Plot: Chapter 1
- Location: Village Square
- Cost: 2500 pesetas
Reach the two-story house to the right of the tower and enter it. Turn left, go up the stairs to the top floor and immediately turn right to jump out the window onto the roof. Walk a little forward and you will see a gem on the roof.
Expansion Treasure: Fancy Necklace
- Plot: Chapter 1
- Location: Village Square
- Cost: 11000+ pesetas
You will find it in a small box that lies on wooden pallets in the eastern part of the location. It stands out quite strongly in the terrain, so you will immediately notice it.
Treasure 2: Ruby
- Plot: Chapter 1
- Location: Village Square
- Cost: 3000 pesetas
Look for a small house, standing on the left side of the road that leads to the exit from the location. Enter it and immediately turn left. You will see a chest in which a gem is hidden.

Treasure 3: Pearl Necklace
- Plot: Chapter 1
- Location: Farm
- Cost: 5000 pesetas (good condition) or 1000 pesetas (bad condition)
Having reached the indicated area, go to its western part and look for a windmill there, to the blades of which a bell with a jewel is attached. Wait for the moment when the bell is on the right side, and only then shoot. Otherwise, the treasure will fall into the well and get dirty.

Treasure 4: Decanter
- Plot: Chapter 1
- Location: Farm
- Cost: 4000+ pesetas
While in the indicated area, climb up to the second level of the windmill in the north using the wooden ladder. Then get out onto the balcony through the door opposite the millstone and the lever.
Jump down and go forward. You will see a red chest here, in which the treasure is hidden.
Treasure 5: Ruby
- Plot: Chapter 1
- Location: Farm
- Cost: 3000 pesetas
After finding the previous artifact, go a little further and knock the lock off the door with a pistol, and then go inside. Go to the table in the corner and open the drawer to take the pebble.
Expansion Treasure: Sapphire
- Plot: Chapter 1
- Location: Settlement by the lake
- Cost: 4000 pesetas
After reaching the specified area, move to the treasure mark on the map. Then turn the camera up and look at a large tree - you will notice a bell in its branches. Shoot him to collect the gem.

Treasure 6: Sapphire
- Plot: Chapter 2
- Location: Abandoned factory
- Cost: 4000 pesetas
As soon as a new chapter begins, move forward until you reach the indicated area. Go to the second room, where there are two stoves near the wall. Open the one on the right to get a pebble.

Expansion Treasure: Spinel
- Plot: Chapter 2
- Location: Valley
- Price:
After getting out of the Abandoned Factory and talking to the merchant, you will enter the Valley. The diamond icon will point to the bridge. Raise the camera up and you will see a golden bell tied to a wooden structure. Shoot him to get a crystal.

Treasure 7: Ruby
- Plot: Chapter 2
- Location: Valley
- Cost: 3000 pesetas
While in the indicated area, walk along the platforms and climb the slope to get to the upper tier. Then run to the northern area of the location and find the red chest, in which the gem lies. This place is located near the lever that opens the gate.

Treasure 8: Elegant Mask
- Plot: Chapter 2
- Location: Valley and Abandoned Factory
- Price:
First you will need to find small key located in the Valley. Go to the house shown in the screenshots below, turn right and get the key from the chest.

Now return to the Abandoned Factory and go to the room where you picked up your equipment earlier. There, open the locked box with the found key to get the decoration.
Expansion Treasure: Alexandrite
- Plot: Chapter 2
- Location: Abandoned factory
- Price:
Having guessed riddle with hexagon emblem, go through the gate, and then turn the camera up. You should notice a golden bell that is tied to a broken pillar. Shoot him for a gem.

Treasure 9: Sapphire
- Plot: Chapter 2
- Location: Abandoned factory
- Cost: 4000 pesetas
After finding the previous jewel, move forward and crawl under the box on the left side. Take a few more steps forward and you will see a red chest containing a pebble.

Treasure 10: Sapphire
- Plot: Chapter 2
- Location: Abandoned factory
- Cost: 4000 pesetas
Walk a little back from the last chest and go up the ladder to the top. Walk a little forward and lift the camera up. You will see a silver bell tied to a rope among the branches. Shoot him for a stone.
Treasure 11: Pearl Necklace
- Plot: Chapter 2
- Location: Abandoned factory
- Cost: 5000 pesetas (good condition) or 1000 pesetas (bad condition)
A little ahead of the last object you will see a well, over which a second bell will hang. Before you shoot him, knock down the prop that holds the lid. Otherwise, the jewel will fall into the dirt and get dirty.
Treasure 12: Ruby
- Plot: Chapter 2
- Location: Village Chief's Mansion
- Cost: 3000 pesetas
Move on until you reach the specified area. Enter the building and go forward. Next to the stairs in the corner there will be a table with a drawer, in which the pebble is hidden.
Treasure 13: Antique Compass
- Plot: Chapters 2 and 3
- Location: Village Chief's Mansion and Village Square
- Price:
While in the Village Chief's Mansion, go to the corner of the dining room on the first floor and look for a bedside table there. On it you will find a new small key.
As part of Chapter 3, return to the Village Square and enter the stone house located to the north. Inside, turn right and open the locked chest of drawers with the key you found earlier.

Treasure 14: Velvety Gem
- Plot: Chapter 3
- Location: City Hall
- Cost: 2500 pesetas
First, you will need to go through the door with the emblem and skulls, located in the east of the Village Square. Then go forward a little and lift the camera up - on the ceiling you will see a silver bell that needs to be knocked down.

Expansion Treasure: Emerald
- Plot: Chapter 5
- Location: Church
- Price:
It can be found near the entrance to the cemetery, located in front of the Church. Approach a large tree, and then turn the camera up to see a golden bell among the branches - knock it down.

Expansion Treasure: Redstone Ring
- Plot: Chapter 3
- Location: Church
- Price:
Having reached the lattice gate leading to the Church, turn left and look into a small niche near the wall, behind the sarcophagus. Here you will find a chest with decorations.

Treasure 15: Elegant Hairpin
- Plot: Chapter 3
- Location: Church
- Price:
Return to the entrance to the church, and then follow the path to the right. Pass by the room with the typewriter (you can save) and move forward to the end of the road. There you will find a red chest with an artifact.

Treasure 16: Ruby
- Plot: Chapter 3
- Location: Quarry
- Cost: 3000 pesetas
After going into the room with the typewriter, go down the hatch and move on until you get into the quarry. Standing in the center of the location, raise the camera up and you will see a silver bell on a rope that you need to knock down.
Treasure 17: Old Smoking Pipe
- Plot: Chapter 3
- Location: Fish hatchery
- Price:
Walk to the indicated area where you need to find fuel for the boat. Go to the northern part of the location and look for a silver bell that will hang from a wooden building. Shoot him for an artifact.
Treasure 18: Copper Pocket Watch
- Plot: Chapter 3
- Location: Fish hatchery
- Price:
Before heading out to get fuel for the boat, enter the small building in the western part of the area. There you will find a table with a drawer in which is hidden small key.

Now go back to the merchant in the southeast. Turn left from the shop and go down the stairs to the pier. Once at the bottom, go to the right and open the chest of drawers with the found key to pick up the relic.

Expansion Treasure: Redstone Ring
- Plot: Chapter 3
- Location: Fish hatchery
- Price:
Go to the room where the fuel for the boat is located. Raise the camera up and look for the golden bell on the ceiling. Shoot him to take the treasure.
Treasure 19: Alexandrite
- Plot: Chapter 4
- Location: Lake
- Price:
Move to the center of the lake to the half-submerged ship. Inside, look for a red chest, in which a precious stone is hidden.
Treasure 20: Red9
- Plot: Chapter 4
- Location: Lake
- Price:
Located on the same ship as the previous treasure. Go to the bow of the ship and look for a decorated chest there. Inside it you will find a Red9 pistol. Note that we are also talking about weapons, that is, this gun can be used in battle.
Treasure 21: Velvety Gem
- Plot: Chapter 4
- Location: Chicken farm (Lakes)
- Cost: 2500 pesetas
Land at the pier located in the eastern area of the lake to get to the chicken farm. On the left side of the pier, find the barrel on which lies the item you need.

Treasure 22: Ruby
- Plot: Chapter 4
- Location: Chapel in a small cave
- Cost: 2500 pesetas
Moor to the pier located in the northeast of the lake. Then go to a small sanctuary and climb up the wooden stairs. Here, a silver bell will hang on the wall, which you will need to knock down.
Treasure 23: Pearl Bracelet
- Plot: Chapter 4
- Location: Settlement by the Lake
- Price:
First of all, you will need to get Key to the old chapel, which can be found after exiting the Drawing Cave. It is hidden in a chest, standing on a purple sheet.
Then swim to the settlement located in the northwestern part of the lake. There, find the village sanctuary and open it with the previously found key. Inside you will find an ornament.
Treasure 24: Gold Bar
- Plot: Chapter 4
- Location: Settlement by the Lake
- Price:
First you will need to find small key, which is located in the location of the Altar in the forest, located north of the Settlement by the Lake. You can get there if you go through the iron door and climb the stairs. The item you need is on the cart next to the barrel.
Now go to the house in the settlement and find a chest of drawers there. Open it with the key you found earlier to pick up the ingot.

Treasure 25: Redstone Ring
- Plot: Chapter 4
- Location: Settlement by the Lake
- Price:
After finding the previous treasure, move on and go to the basement where you found Luis. Here, examine the bale to find a decoration on it.

Treasure 26: Vicious Idol
- Plot: Chapter 4
- Location: Lake
- Cost: 15000 pesetas
Take the boat to the stone pedestal located in the southwestern part of the lake near the entrance to the Fish Hatchery. Next, insert three hex pieces (A, B and C) into this pedestal. Now you will need to rotate the emblems in certain directions (the sequence depends on the difficulty level):
- Simplified or regular: Rotate 1 time to the left and 1 time to the top.
- Hardcore or Pro: Rotate right 2x, left 2x, and top 1x.
If you make a mistake, then you will have to look for a solution yourself or try to return to the original state. We advise you to just save before solving the puzzle.
Treasure 27: Luxurious Bracelet
- Plot: Chapter 4
- Location: Lake
- Price:
First of all, you have to get Key to the old chapel, if you haven't already (we've shown its location above). Then move to the western part of the lake along the water channel and get off the boat at the pier shown in the screenshots below. Climb the stone ledge and open the village sanctuary.

Treasure 28: Alexandrite
- Plot: Chapter 4
- Location: Lake
- Price:
After picking up the previous decoration, turn the camera to the right and up, and you will see a bell hanging from the beam. Shoot him down with a firearm. If you did this back in Chapter 3, then all you have to do is pick up a pebble from the ground.

Treasure 29: Velvety Gem
- Plot: Chapter 4
- Location: Chapel in a large cave
- Cost: 2500 pesetas
Get on the boat to the indicated area, getting out to the pier. Then move deeper into the cave, dealing with opponents. Get to the place with the stairs. Raise the camera up and knock the bell off the ceiling.

Treasure 30: Butterfly Lamp
- Plot: Chapter 4
- Location: Quarry
- Price:
Return to the location located between the Quarry and the merchant. There you will find a village sanctuary that can be opened with Key to the old chapel (its location is shown above).
Treasure 31: Yellow Diamond
- Plot: Chapter 4
- Location: Church
- Price:
First you will need to get small key. To do this, return to the church, open the lattice gate and go through the double doors. After entering the building, go to the table in the far right corner and take the key.

Now exit the church, turn left and run into the alley on the left. Then immediately enter the left door. Turn right and open the chest of drawers. In it you will find a gem.

Treasure 32: Yellow Diamond
- Plot: Chapter 5
- Location: Church
- Price:
After meeting Ashley and going up to the second level of the church, go right and enter the door. Then turn the camera up and you will see a bell that needs to be knocked down.

Treasure 33: Elegant Bracelet
- Plot: Chapter 5
- Location: Village Square
- Price:
After returning to the village with Ashley, go to the house located in the western part of the area. Go to the window, from which a white sheet hangs, and give the girl a lift so that she can climb into the building and open the door for you from the inside. Once inside, open the chest and take the decoration.
Treasure 34: Old Cell
- Plot: Chapter 5
- Location: Village Chief's Mansion
- Price:
Enter the mansion and go up the stairs to the second floor. Then turn right and enter the bedroom. Go to the closet and give Ashley a lift so that she climbs up and throws off the ladder for you. Climb up it to the attic and go to the very end, crawling under the beam. On the dresser you will find a camera.

Treasure 35: Old Smoking Pipe
- Plot: Chapter 5
- Location: Farm
- Price:
Locate the village shrine in the northeastern part of the area and open it with Key to the old chapel (its location is shown above).
Treasure 36: Yellow Diamond
- Plot: Chapter 6
- Location: Villa
- Price:
After you pass the Villa and talk to the merchant, go up the wooden stairs on the left and open the red chest ahead to get the gem.

Treasure 37: Chalice of Atonement
- Plot: Chapter 6
- Location: Villa
- Price:
After finding the previous gem, move on and then turn left into a small wooden building. Inside you will find a red chest with a relic.

Treasure 38: Elegant Hairpin
- Plot: Chapter 6
- Location: Checkpoint
- Price:
After reaching the indicated area, climb up to the wooden platform and follow it to the southwest to find the village sanctuary. open it The key to the old chapel to get the decoration.
Treasure 39: Emerald
- Plot: Chapter 6
- Location: Slaughterhouse
- Price:
After passing through the slaughterhouse, move forward to the next quest objective. On the way you will see a rusty car. To the left of it is a tree. Take a look at its branches to see the bell you will need to bring down.
These are all the treasures in the village that can be found in Resident Evil 4 Remake. We hope that this information will help you collect all the decorations and gems in Chapters 1-6.
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