At the end of the ninth chapter, Ashley ends up in the family crypt. To go further, you will need to solve several puzzles and eventually get the required quest item. In this guide, we will show you how to solve the riddle with three moons and lamps in the tomb of the Salazars in Resident Evil 4 (2023) and get the Family Coat of Arms.
Solving the puzzle in the Shrine of the Salazars
Location of the Three Moons Mystery
You will be in this location at the end of chapter 9 after passing the library and the first half of the tomb. The objective of the quest is in a mausoleum behind bars, and you will need to gain access inside to continue the quest.
Three lamps on pedestals

Around the vault are three stands for lanterns, the light of which will fall on the images of two moons and a star.
To solve the riddle, it is necessary that the rays from the lamps coincide with the pattern on which they shine. When interacting, Ashley replaces the lamp on the stand with the one she is holding. You need to rearrange them like this:
- To the right of the lattice is a star;
- To the left of the grid is a waning moon;
- Behind the crypt is a full moon.
We duplicated the correct highlighting of symbols with screenshots. After setting all three lamps in the correct position, the grate will open, and you can pick up the Salazar Family Crest and continue the task.
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