In Genshin Impact, a puzzle with an apple in Mirage Velurium is an unusual puzzle in which you will need to feed water balloons in order to receive a reward. In this guide, you will find out where this puzzle is and what you need to do to solve it.
Solving the puzzle with an apple and water balloons in Mirage Velurium
Where to find the riddle
Travel to the southwest teleporter in the Garden of Silver Vessels, and then follow the path down and north. To the left, you'll find a small wooden platform with awnings, crates, and a Hydro Eidolon, next to which is a table and an empty plate. This is where you have to solve the puzzle.
How to feed water balloons
First of all, we advise you to interact with the sign installed on the platform. It will say that apples can give the water ball great power. Now go to the plate on the table and place one Apple on it. Now you need to wait until the next calendar day.
Note: However, if you do not want to wait so long, you can simply teleport to another region and return back or log out of your account and re-enter the game after 5-10 minutes.
Returning to the same place, you will find an empty plate and three drops at once. Put the Apple on the saucer again, and then move to another region, exit the game, or wait until tomorrow.
Return to the table again - now there will be five Hydro Eidolons at once. Place the apple back on the plate. As soon as you do this, a rich chest will appear next to you, in which, in addition to the usual treasures, you will find one celebration coupon.
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