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    Tournament of Souls League of Legends: how to win the Battle Souls event

    Tournament of Souls League of Legends: how to win the Battle Souls event


    In League of Legends Tournament of Souls is a special metagame available in the LoL client and is part of the Battle Souls event. Controlling Samira, you will need to defeat various opponents in a kind of fighting game in order to eventually fight with Viego. You will receive valuable rewards for winning fights.

    In this guide, you will learn how to take part in the Tournament of Souls, what Samira build to defeat all enemies on Expert difficulty, and what reputation is for. Note that the event started on July 20 and will last until August 29, 2023.

    Useful tips for the Tournament of Souls in LoL

    How to enter the Tournament of Souls

    To participate in these challenges, you must first go to the League of Legends client, and then go to the "Home" tab and click on the "Tournament of Souls" inscription in the upper left corner of the screen. Then just click on the "Start" button.

    When the download is complete, click on "Play" and read the backstory comic. Then you will need to go through a test duel with Jin, where you will be told the basic rules of the battle and the skills of the heroine.

    Combat Basics

    As part of the fight, Samira is able to use three main skills: Q, W and E. When using a skill, she attacks with a blade (W, E) or pistols (Q). In the case of changing weapons (pistols for a blade or a blade for a sword), the heroine's style level increases (from "E" to "S"). Upon reaching the last rank, she can use her ultimate (R), dealing gigantic damage to the enemy. After that, the style is reset, and it needs to be picked up again.

    You should also be aware that all rounds have a time limit. If the timer, located in the upper right corner of the screen, reaches zero, then you will automatically lose. You will also have to restart the fight if Samira runs out of health.

    Samira's skills and status effects

    At first, the heroine will have only one variant of each ability, but as you move up the standings, you will unlock additional tricks - intelligently combine them with each other to defeat one or another enemy.

    We will not describe here the descriptions of all skills, since they are in the game, however, we will note the optimal skill builds for the destruction of one or another opponent.

    In addition, many abilities can apply negative or positive effects on enemies or Samira. Hover over the status icon for details. If you are unable to defeat the enemy, then carefully study these buffs (debuffs) in order to choose the right skills and level the opponent's advantages.

    Difficulty levels and reputation

    You can complete all duels in story mode or on Expert difficulty. In the latter, opponents become much stronger, but for defeating them you can get additional rewards (event tokens, icons and emotions). We advise you to first choose an easy level, and only then move on to a difficult one.

    We add that after defeating the enemy, you will not be able to immediately challenge the next opponent, since first you will have to raise your reputation. This can be done by completing various tasks as part of the Battle Souls event. For one-time tasks, they give 5 reputation units, and for repeatable tasks - 1 unit each. The table below shows the requirements and rewards for defeating enemies.

    Enemy Reputation Required (Story) Reputation Required (Expert) Awards (Storyline)


    4 45 God's Eye Battle Soul Icon, Deadly Accuracy (Q)


    8 50 30 Event Tokens, Twilight Rush[E]


    12 55 And the same for you[W]


    16 60 Drain Blade[W]


    20 65 30 Event Tokens, Mortal Shot[Q]


    24 70 Style show[E]


    28 75 Endless Hell[R]


    32 80 30 event tokens


    36 85

    Eye of God Viego (???)

    40 90 Random Champion Shard: Gwen, Lux, Naafiri, Jean, Pike, Evelynn, Sett, Shaco, Viego, Samira

    Fan camp

    We also advise you to visit the fan camp from time to time by clicking on the tent icon in the lower left corner of the screen. There you can talk to your fans. New conversations will open as the tournament progresses.

    How to beat Gwen


    In the first fight on the Plot, you won't have any additional moves for now, so take the standard skills and join the fight. All you have to do is alternate between pistol and sword attacks to build up a style rank, and then use your ultimate attack.


    On "Expert" we advise you to assemble the following build:

    • Mortal Shot (Q)
    • Dripping Blade (W)
    • Brutal Strike (E)
    • Dawn of Chaos (R)

    Thanks to E-shki, you will not allow Gwen to heal yourself, and W-shki will heal her character, while damaging the enemy. Thus, you will need to use the following initial combination: Q -> E -> W. Spam it and then use your ult to boost your damage a lot and keep spamming combos.

    How to beat Lux


    After the previous fight, you will receive your first new ability - Killing Accuracy (Q), which is a must-have when fighting Lux, as she regularly puts shields. Immediately press the Q-shku when barriers appear. In general, the fight is quite simple - alternate weapons and use your ult.


    Here we advise you to build the following build:

    • Killer Accuracy (Q)
    • And the same to you (W)
    • Style Demonstration (E)
    • Dawn of Chaos (R)

    The first skill will allow you to knock down the shield, the second will allow you to counter the enemy’s ult, the third will allow you to fill your own superpower, and the fourth will significantly increase your own damage. As such, spam constantly with your E-shka, leaving W on the enemy's ultimate and Q on Lux's shield.

    How to defeat Naafiri

    Story and Expert

    Finally, you can start to make a unique build for the enemy. Here we advise you to take the following abilities:

    • Killing Accuracy (Q) - can be changed to Quick Shot if you think that E-shki will be enough to destroy the shield.
    • Last flight (W)
    • Twilight Rush (E)
    • Dawn of Chaos (R)

    With a combination of E and Q, you can destroy the enemy wolves. When he uses his ult, use E or Q to knock down his shield. In general, the combination will look something like this: E -> Q -> W -> Q. Don't forget to alternate weapons to accumulate style points and use your ult.

    On Expert, the tactics will remain the same, but the cost of a mistake here will be higher than on Plot, so keep an eye on your opponent's actions and press the buttons in time.

    How to beat Jin

    Story and Expert

    Here we advise you to take the following abilities:

    • Quick Shot (Q)
    • And the same to you (W) - a mandatory skill that greatly simplifies the fight with Jin.
    • Brutal Strike (E)
    • Dawn of Chaos (R)

    Jin fires four bullets, with the fourth dealing massive damage. You can ignore the first three shots, use your W on the fourth one to parry it and damage the enemy. The same must be done when he uses a rifle instead of a pistol.

    On the Plot, you can even do without the ult, but on the Expert, it is recommended to use it as often as possible, so do not forget to alternate weapons so that after getting the "S" rank, you can use the super ability.

    How to beat Pike

    Story and Expert

    To defeat this opponent, you will need healing, so here we advise you to take the following abilities:

    • Quick Shot (Q)
    • Dripping Blade (W) is a mandatory skill that makes fighting Pyke a lot easier.
    • Brutal Strike (E)
    • Dawn of Chaos (R)

    You will need to combine E and W. The first will allow you to inflict bleeding on the enemy, and the second will allow you to receive additional healing. Your combo will end up looking like this: Q -> E -> W. Alternate weapons to activate the ult when ready.

    On Expert, your tactics will remain the same. As usual, the main thing here is not to make mistakes and press the keys in time.

    How to beat Evelynn

    Story and Expert

    Here we advise you to take the following abilities:

    • Mortal Shot (Q)
    • Dripping Blade (W)
    • Brutal Strike (E)
    • Dawn of Chaos (R)

    Evelynn can turn invisible and heal herself. You will need to prevent this by giving her a Bleed with E-shka before she uses her ult. So, in the beginning, just spam your abilities (Q and W) for the first 10-15 seconds, and when she starts to disappear, hit her with an E-neck.

    Next, wait until she comes out of invisibility, and apply your ult. Hit her with the W-neck when she's bleeding to heal Samira. In "Expert" use the same tactic.

    How to beat Sett

    Story and Expert

    Here we advise you to take the following abilities:

    • Killer Accuracy (Q)
    • Last flight (W)
    • Style Demonstration (E)
    • Dawn of Chaos (R)

    In this battle, it is important to apply "Toss up" on the enemy. With W you can knock your opponent into the air, Q to destroy their shields and extend the debuff, and E to deal additional damage when the enemy is in a knocked up state. So your combo should look like this: W -> Q -> E -> Q.

    When a shield appears over the enemy's health bar, immediately shoot a Q-neck to remove the protection. This combination will also allow you to quickly gain style ranks by using your ult more often. On Expert, use the same tactic. Is that in the ult you can take Endless Hell for treatment.

    How to beat Shako

    First option

    Here it is extremely important to properly configure the build, which should include the following abilities:

    • Killer Accuracy (Q)
    • Last flight (W)
    • Twilight Rush (E)
    • Endless Hell(R)

    One of the most difficult enemies of the tournament, which is able to create a clone. With the help of E and Q you can quickly get rid of the enemy's double, and W and Q will make it easier to accumulate ult. So, for the first 10-15 seconds, you can spam with abilities. When he goes into invisibility and returns with a clone, immediately use the E-shka. By this point, you should also have your ult ready - use it.

    The enemy will then go into invisibility again. After it returns, use this combo: W -> Q -> E -> Q. Don't use your ultimate in a stun, as the stun will immediately cancel it. You should also not press R when Shaco is invisible.

    Second option

    If you didn’t like the previous method, then you can assemble another build:

    • Quick Shot (Q)
    • And the same to you (W)
    • Twilight Rush (E)
    • Endless Hell (R)

    As in the previous method, with a combination of E and Q you can quickly destroy the clone, but W and Q will allow you to deflect Shaco's dagger when he throws it while in stealth mode. Thus, you will avoid significant damage and at the same time inflict damage on the enemy. The main thing here is to press the keys in time. This option is preferable when playing on "Expert".

    How to beat Viego

    Story and Expert

    Here we advise you to take the following abilities:

    • Mortal Shot (Q)
    • Dripping Blade (W)
    • Brutal Strike (E)
    • Endless Hell (R)

    The main thing here is to heal Samira as much as possible, which is why we took the W-shku and the ult for healing. Then you can just spam with all your abilities, randomly pressing the keys and using the ult when ready. You will definitely not die, as you will constantly heal yourself.

    On Expert, you can push yourself a little and start using a combo that looks like this: E -> Q -> W -> Q. This way you can inflict bleeding on the enemy and increase the effectiveness of healing.

    How to defeat God's Eye Viego

    Story and Expert

    Here it is extremely important to properly configure the build, which should include the following abilities:

    • Killer Accuracy (Q)
    • Last flight (W)
    • Style Demonstration (E)
    • Endless Hell(R)

    With Q, you will need to knock down two shields that Viego will put on himself by transforming into Sett or Lux. Combination of W -> Q -> E you will throw the enemy in the air and heal yourself.

    When an enemy wraps himself in fog, a purple bar will appear on your health bar, which shows how many hit points the enemy will take from you after a certain period of time. To reduce this purple scale, you need to deal maximum damage to the enemy. We advise you to keep the ult for this very moment.