In Remnants 2 The Alchemist is a secret archetype that aims to support teammates by reducing their damage taken and restoring their health. However, to unlock it, you must first find the Manticore and get the mysterious stone. In this guide, we will tell you how to open this class, what abilities it has, and where to get the Academician armor.
How to unlock the Alchemist class in Remnant 2
First of all, you need to unlock the world of Losom and go through its storyline a bit, since all the necessary items are mined only in this region.

Where to find Manticore
You need to wait until the region spawns "House of Morrow" as a starting location. Then start running through the tunnel leading to the Great Sewer. Along the way, look for special sewer holes, which should be missing an iron bar in the middle (an example is shown in the third screenshot below).

Approach a similar lattice and wait a bit - if you are lucky, then in a few seconds a Manticore will appear and drag you into its lair. This event is random, so you can easily run around all the sewer passages, but never stumble upon a monster.

If this does not happen, then simply restart the campaign, find the "House of Morrow" again and check all the grids again. We add that the beast can also appear in other locations, for example, in Ironborough, but, apparently, this event occurs there somewhat less frequently.
Note: In no case do not perform a roll to get closer to the grate, as it breaks the animation of the capture of the hero by the monster, because of which he will not be dragged anywhere.
After the beast takes you, you will wake up on a mountain of bones in his hideout. Immediately after that, the monster itself will appear, which you will need to kill. This enemy is quite dangerous, so get ready for a difficult fight. Dealing with him in House of Morrow will guarantee you mysterious stone.
How to get Academic armor
Restart the campaign again and now head to the "Grand Sewers". There, again start checking all the bars with the missing rod until you are grabbed by the Manticore and dragged to his lair. Deal with the enemy, receiving a ring as a reward Dragonstone Pearl.
Note: If you are very lucky, then you can get the Mysterious Stone in the Great Sewers.
Then look for a passage to the tunnel and find a corpse there, from which you can remove the coat of the Academician, which is the signature set of armor for the Alchemist. Now return to Ward 13 as usual and purchase the required engram from Wallace to unlock the new archetype.
Features of the Alchemist
We are talking about the best support in the game, which can significantly increase the overall damage of the team and its survivability. You can further increase your character's support abilities by pairing this class with the Medic.
However, this archetype is also suitable for loners, if you combine it with some kind of attacking class, for example, a Hunter or a Fighter. In this case, you can strengthen yourself. Next, we will show all the abilities of the Alchemist.

With them, you can create special clouds that reduce damage taken, give immunity to debuffs, increase the rate of fire, restore health and provide many other bonuses.
Primary Skill

Allows you to get additional buffs from skills. This skill is just the same aimed at loners who plan to combine the Alchemist with another class.

They increase damage dealt, increase healing, and also provide additional ammo and buffs from relics.
Core Talent

Increases the efficiency of using consumables. A relatively useful talent for a support, but there are more interesting options, especially for singles.
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