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    How to get to the basement at the outpost in Baldur's Gate 3: where to find the key and how to open the cache

    How to get to the basement at the outpost in Baldur's Gate 3: where to find the key and how to open the cache


    In the house of the tax collector, where a group of paladins led by Anders is located, there is a hatch with a secret room inside the dungeon. In this short guide, we will tell you how to find the key, open the locked basement at the outpost (Senior Road) in Baldur's Gate 3 and gain access to the hidden room with the loot.

    Breaking into the basement on the off road

    Outpost location (tax collector's house)

    In the first act of the game, the player has the opportunity to visit the "Ground Road" region, where the house of interest to us is located (at coordinates x:102, y:542). Here Anders, the squad leader, will talk about a fugitive tiefling woman that he and his subordinates are hunting - all of them are participants in the "Hunt down the she-devil" quest, and their possible role in it depends on your other choices.

    Where to find the basement key

    Before going down to the basement, you need to get "Tax Collector's Key" - it lies on the road south of the building (at coordinates x:100, y:526), ​​not far from the place where Carl is hiding. We've marked the location on the screenshot, and holding down the left Alt will help you highlight the item in the area.

    The first part of the basement

    You can go down to the basement through the hatch, which is located in the building with the paladins. This will not cause any NPCs in the room to become aggressive, so this infiltration should not be a problem even if you choose to let them live.

    Next, you will find a massive vault door, for opening which the previously selected key will come in handy. In the next room, watch out for traps - it's best to check right away and try to disarm them with a character that's good at spotting checks.

    Secret room in the basement

    By turning the camera, you can see a room that is not currently accessible. To open a secret passage, you need to take two stone chairs standing on the sides of the room: to do this, simply separate two characters from the group and order them to sit on them.

    Leave these characters in their chairs while you explore the secret room, otherwise the passage will immediately close. It is better to send a character attentive to the traps inside.

    Among all the riches in the "treasury" it is worth highlighting the Two-Handed Ax +1.
