    Brooklyn Visions in Spider-Man 2: how to solve all the puzzles

    Brooklyn Visions in Spider-Man 2: how to solve all the puzzles


    In Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Brooklyn Visions are secondary quests carried out by Miles Morales and associated with the academy where he is studying. He will have to help other students by solving various puzzles and fighting enemies. After completing all these missions, you will be able to unlock the "Pride of Brooklyn" achievement. In this guide we will tell you how to do this.

    How to unlock and complete all Brooklyn Visions in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

    Access to the first side quest opens after completing the sixth main mission called “Correcting Errors.” Once you complete it, you will be allowed to complete the next three tasks and only then will the final quest of the chain called “The Gift” be unlocked.

    Note that all Brooklyn Visions are located in one location - Williamsburg, so you won’t have to look for them for long. The map above shows their approximate locations. For completing these missions you will receive experience points, city tokens and useful materials. Next, we will consider each quest separately.

    BV Club Fair

    How to start a task

    Climb to the roof of the overpass connecting the two parts of the educational institution. At the top of the pipe you will find a backpack - click on it to start this mission. Watch the short video.

    How to find and save Miss Ferguson

    After changing clothes, go forward, moving towards the quest marker. You can chat with other students along the way. Having reached the indicated place, talk with your friends. You will then need to get as close to the director and police officer as possible. To do this, look for a small hole between the two tents located to the left of the lattice door.

    After slipping through, go left and exit into a small courtyard with flowers. Go to the grate on the right, in which you will find a hole - climb through it, and then stand next to the boxes to eavesdrop on the conversation between the policeman and the director. You will learn about the missing Miss Ferguson.

    Watch a short video in which Miles will change into a spider suit again, and then fly to the sign that appears. Having flown up to the desired building, you will find a group of bandits. You can deal with them quietly or enter into direct confrontation.

    After destroying all the kidnappers, climb onto the roof with glass windows and you will see a kidnapped woman inside. Break the window by pressing L1+O, and then untie the victim and deal with the arriving bandit reinforcements. In the end, you will just need to return for Ferguson and deliver her to the academy.

    Big draw

    How to start a task

    First, complete the previous assignment, and then go to the basketball court of the educational institution. There you will find two students next to the lion statue - chat with them to start the mission.

    Then examine the piece of paper that lies near the lion's paws. From it you will learn about some mysteries. It also contains a hint indicating the next place to search. Go to him, following the marker, and read the second note on the table. It will talk about the light that reveals the truth.

    How to solve the first mirror puzzle

    You will notice a purple beam that shines in the opposite direction from the table. Run there, and then move the stand with the mirror to the right so that the laser is reflected from it to the right. Go to the second mirror and turn it, interacting with the valve under it (the beam should shine to the right).

    Then break the wooden box blocking the laser's path, go forward a little further to the other side of the roof and pull the cart with the mirror towards you. As a result, an inscription will appear on the wall with the drawing, telling you where to go next.

    How to solve the second mirror puzzle

    Move to the next marker. This time the puzzle will be located below, at street level. Approach the laser shown in the screenshots below and turn the valve underneath it twice so that the beam begins to shine into the mirror on the right side. Then go to the cart and move it out of the path of the beam.

    Take a couple of steps forward and turn the camera to the right - you will find another mirror here, which must be turned once by interacting with the valve. Follow the beam. Next, stand near the wall and pull a table with a mirror towards you. Then rotate the second mirror on the opposite side once (see second picture below).

    Continue following the laser, stand near the side wall and pull another table with a mirror towards you. Go forward to a room with four mirrors. First, rotate the front left mirror twice, and then move the front right one to the wall. As a result, you will see a new tooltip.

    How to solve the third mirror puzzle

    Head to the next marker, which will take you to the roof of a building in Little Odessa, where you will see flags and mirrors. You will need to light the blue and red paths. First, turn the purple valve next to the flags so that the beam begins to shine to the right into the blue mirror on the lift.

    Then jump down and go to the next blue mirror that has a laser shining on it - turn it three times so that the beam shines like in the first picture below. Now turn the second purple valve once.

    Climb onto the roof of the opposite building where the beam will shine and turn the third purple valve there once. Then break the wooden box blocking the laser's path. You can go back to the very first purple valve and turn the blue mirror here twice. On the wall with the picture you will see an inscription, thereby completing blue path.

    Now turn the first purple valve again so that the beam begins to shine to the left into the red mirror. At the bottom, turn the second purple valve twice and return to the roof of the opposite building again. Here turn the third purple valve twice.

    Fly back and turn the red mirror three times. As a result, you will complete the red path, and you will see the number 1121 on the wall with a picture.

    A new sign will appear - go up to the roof and approach the gate with the flags. Then open them by interacting with the valve on the right side. Take the lion costume and return it to the students on the basketball court.

    Light, camera, motor

    How to start a task

    First complete the "BV Club Fair" and then head to the east passage to the academy. Not far from the stairs you will see two students with whom you need to chat to start the mission.

    How to take a photo

    Now go up to the roof of the skyscraper that the marker points to and look for the crashed drone here. It will lie next to the stepladder, behind the pipe. Interact with him and then agree to take a photo.

    Go to the edge of the building, as shown in the screenshots below, and then take the camera and take a photo of the academy campus (the desired angle is demonstrated in the second image; the lens should light up green).

    Next, climb the skyscraper located in the south and take a photo of the academy from a different angle. Fly to the third building in the west with a billboard. Sit on the fence, take the camera and take the third photo.

    Now you will need to photograph moments from the students' everyday lives. The required places will be marked on the map. At the stadium, located just south of your current location, you will find members of the drone club - take a photo of them.

    The eSports team is located in a glass building just east of the stadium. You don't have to go inside - you can just take a photo of them from the street. Now move north, and on the roof of the academy you will find a garden with a house, which you need to remove.

    Having fulfilled the students' request, fly to the roof with smoke screens and stand on the white cross. Then begin to hover after the drone, never landing on the ground. After making a couple of circles, return to the roof of the educational institution. This will bring the task to an end. Watch a short video and get your well-deserved reward.


    How to start a task

    First, complete the BV Club Fair, and then go up to the roof of the building marked on the map and approach the student standing near the equation board. Chat with him to start the mission.

    Check generators

    Move to the quest sign that appears and deal with the group of bandits. After that, chat with the rescued guy. Go back and interact with the student again. He will tell you about the other generators on the roof.

    Power pole puzzle

    Climb up and use your Spider-Sense to locate the generator, but it will be deactivated. Approach it and use Shock Strike (L1+Square) to recharge it.

    Then aim at the yellow antenna on top of it and lock onto it. Connect the green beam to the second transmitter and shoot a web at it, thereby combining both devices with each other. Go behind the air duct and connect the third antenna with a web.

    Now turn around and jump down, following the cable. You will see two more yellow antennas on the blue stand, which must be connected to each other with a web.

    Continue following the wire, jumping even lower. Connect the two remaining transmitters to each other. Next, talk to the student again. Now just watch as his plan comes to life by performing various actions.


    Having completed all previous quests, you can take on the final Brooklyn Visions. You can activate it in the “Missions” section in the main menu. After that, go up to the roof where you previously took a photo of the garden house. Here you will see many balloons and posters with thanks.

    Go to the table and look in the bag to get a new costume for Miles Moralis - Boricua. You will also unlock the Pride of Brooklyn trophy. This concludes the quest chain.
