In Alan Wake 2 Cult Stash are the hiding places of sectarians, the discovery of which along with lunch boxes is necessary to unlock the achievements “In the Shadow of Trees” and “Secret caches”. They often contain consumables, weapons and various upgrades, and to open them you often need to solve riddles and look for codes for locks. In this guide we will show the location of all the cult caches and tell you how to open them.
How to find and open all Cult Stash in Alan Wake 2
Playing as FBI Agent Saga, you can find 22 caches. They are small containers that usually have instructions on the lid for opening them. Many of them are locked, and finding the right combination often requires solving small puzzles.

You can search for the cult's caches while exploring the open world, but you won't be able to find and open them all at once, since new containers will appear as you progress through the story. The main thing to remember is that you will be able to search for these containers until you move on to Chapter 7, “Return: Ritual.” Therefore, we advise you to be sure to find all the remaining caches when you begin Act 6.
Cult caches at Lake Cauldron

Here you can find 5 sectarian caches, and you will have to come for one of them towards the end of the game, when you receive the bolt cutter. The map above shows their approximate locations.
Cult cache 1
- Chapter "Return 1: Invitation"
- Reward: Consumables
A little south of the murder scene you can find someone's trailer, opposite the entrance to which there is a container (on the street). Click on it to see a prompt for opening it - you will be asked to wash your hands, remove the chicken from the freezer and sleep. You will need to examine the sink, refrigerator and bedroom to find three symbols that are the key to unlock the lock on the box.
However, you can skip all these steps and just enter the signs shown in the screenshot below. Fortunately, they are not randomly generated, so they are suitable for all players.

Cult cache 2
- Chapter "Return 2: Heart"
- Rewards: Inventory Expansion
After defeating the boss at Cauldron Lake, you will notice that the water has receded a bit, so you can now head to the southern part of the area. Climb under the tree on the beach and continue along the straight path until you reach a fork. You will need to crawl under the trunk on the right side, which will lead you to the container.
Click on the box, and then click on the code panel. The game will light up three buttons in a certain sequence, which you will then need to repeat. The gif below shows an example of solving the puzzle (you may see completely different buttons light up).
Cult cache 3
- Chapter "Return 2: Heart"
- Rewards: Consumables
Return to the Witch's Scoop where you previously placed the heart. After eliminating the flood damage, you will unlock the left path (leading west). Deal with the wolf, and then move along the new road to the left. You will notice yellow arrows on the rocks and trees - follow them until you reach a cache in the stone, inside of which you will find a key.
Having obtained the key, go to the cult cache, located in the same location, a little north of the place where you found the key. Use the camp icon on the map as a guide. Open the cache.
Cult cache 4
- Chapter "Return 2: Heart"
- Rewards: Consumables
From the Riverbank, follow the path down in a southeast direction and then turn right just before reaching the water to find a container. You can look for trees next to the yellow numbers or simply enter the code into the lock: 658.
Cult cache 5
- Chapter "Return 5: Old Gods" Rewards: Consumables
You can get it after starting Chapter 5 and getting the bolt cutter. Return to Cauldron Lake and then head to the Rental Cottages in the east of the area. Go through the huts to reach the northern part of the area. Here, look for trees with yellow numbers. Go to the tree with the number “2” and examine the ground near it to find the key.
Return back to the Rental Cottages and go to cabin 1, located to the south. Enter it and find the container in the bathroom - open it with the previously obtained key.

Cult caches in Wateree

Here you can find 8 sectarian caches, and you will have to come for one of them towards the end of the game, when you receive the bolt cutter. The map above shows their approximate locations.
Cult cache 1
- Chapter "Return 3: Local"
- Reward: Consumables
After your first encounter with the Possessed Thrower on the way to Coffee World, continue up the hill and then up onto the ledge to find a container near the edge of the cliff. Here again you will need to remember the sequence of button lighting and repeat it.
Cult cache 2
- Chapter "Return 3: Local"
- Reward: Crossbow
From the previous safe, go a little to the northwest and find huts for hunters there. Opposite it there is a canopy, under which the hiding place you need is located. To open it, enter the following code: 527.
Cult cache 3
- Chapter "Return 3: Local"
- Reward: Consumables
Get to the Coffee World location and look for a container in its northern part near the Skewer attraction. To open it you will need to enter the following combination: 147.
Cult cache 4
- Chapter "Return 3: Local"
- Reward: Consumables
It is located in the same World of Coffee area, behind the Huotari Well. However, to open it you will have to first find the key.
To do this, head east to the playground with the Mr. Drippy figure. Walk behind her and you will find a key on the ground. Now return to the container and unlock it.

Cult cache 5
- Chapter "Return 3: Local"
- Reward: Consumables
Can be found on a hill located northwest of the lighthouse. The container will be locked with a lock, to open which you will need to select the correct symbols on it.
The second symbol is painted on the box itself, and the third is assembled from sticks on a stone. You will need to select the first sign yourself, simply by rotating the mechanism. You can try choosing our option shown in the picture below.

Cult cache 6
- Chapter "Return 3: Local"
- Reward: Consumables
Having dealt with the local boss, you will eliminate the flood. Return to the Trailer Park near the lighthouse and explore the newly opened location. You will be able to find a container near one of the trailers that was previously standing in the water.
Before you can open it, you will need to get the key to it - it lies on the lamppost, standing slightly to the left of the safe. Climb the board to get the key.
Cult cache 7
- Chapter "Return 3: Local"
- Reward: Consumables
It can be found in the southeastern docks, located just south of Suomi Hall. To open the lock, enter the following combination: 496.
Cult cache 8
- Chapter "Return 5: Old Gods"
- Reward: Consumables
You can get it after starting Chapter 5 and getting the bolt cutter. Return to Wateree and use your newly acquired tool to open the gate near the Knights of Kalevala workshop. Behind them you will find this container. It opens with code 542.
Cult caches in Bright Falls

Here you can find 9 caches of sectarians, but some of them can only be obtained after the beginning of the 6th chapter. The map above shows their approximate locations.
Cult cache 1
- Chapter "Return 5: Old Gods"
- Reward: Consumables
You can find it northwest of the Forest near the bunker. Climb up the hill and find it near the recreation area. Solve the button memorization puzzle again.
Cult cache 2
- Chapter "Return 5: Old Gods"
- Reward: Consumables
The container sits on the back of a pickup truck located south of the rest area. To open it, enter the combination 177.
Cult cache 3
- Chapter "Return 5: Old Gods"
- Reward: Consumables
After dealing with the local boss, you will eliminate the flood, thereby unlocking the western area near the Wellness Center. Exit the Valhalla Nursing Home by going through the gate to the south and follow the small path to the east. The container stands behind the cobblestone with the yellow arrow.
To open the box you will need a key. To find it, start following the arrows on the gray planks. They will lead you to a tree in the south, under which lies the key.
Cult cache 4
- Chapter "Return 5: Old Gods"
- Reward: Consumables
It's west of the Ranger Station and just north of the main road, just before it splits into two different paths.
Symbols for the code can be found on nearby boulders - you need to shine a flashlight on them. If you are too lazy to search for them, then just enter the correct characters shown in the image below.

Cult cache 5
- Chapter "Return 5: Old Gods"
- Reward: Consumables
Get to the Ranger Station, and then look near the back wall where the chimney is located for a key lying on the ground.
After picking up the key from the ground, climb the hill located northwest of the ranger outpost. There you will find a cache that you can now open.
Cult cache 6
- Chapter "Return 5: Old Gods"
- Reward: Consumables
Go to the Elderwood Palace house and find a white van there - the container you need will stand next to it. Solve the button memorization puzzle again.
Cult cache 7
- Chapter "Return 5: Old Gods"
- Reward: Inventory Expansion
Go to the pier located south of the Sheriff's Office and unlock the gate using the bolt cutter. Enter the barn and look for a container there, to open which you need to enter a combination 697.

Cult cache 8
- Chapter "Return 5: Old Gods"
- Reward: Consumables
Located behind the fence between the Dear Deer Diner and the Sheriff's Office. You can get through the fence using a bolt cutter. To open the lock, you need to find symbols painted on various objects: on the antenna, in the gazebo and on the benches.
If you are too lazy to look for them, then just enter the signs shown in the image below.

Cult cache 9
- Chapter "Return 6: Scratch"
- Reward: Consumables
Enter the Sheriff's Office and go to the evidence room located in the basement. To open it, use combination 146. If this is your last cache, then you will find the key to the lighthouse in Wateree.
Go to the indicated area and open the beacon with the key. Inside you will find manuscript pages and some materials. These are all the cult caches that can be found in Alan Wake 2. We hope that our guide helped you find them.
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