In Alan Wake 2 The fuse for the Witch's Hut electrical panel is a quest item that is needed to turn on the lights in the abandoned cabin at Cauldron Lake. In this guide, we will tell you where to find this little thing to finally improve the lighting in your shack and turn it into a recreation room.
How to turn on the lights in the Witch's Hut in Alan Wake 2
During the passage of the second chapter, entitled “Return 2: Heart,” the main character will have to go to the Witch’s Hut, located north of the Witch’s Scoop, where she previously discovered a new page of the manuscript. It will say that it was very light in the house.
However, when trying to turn on the light, Saga will discover that there is no fuse in the electrical panel, so it will need to be found.
Where to find the fuse
Face the electrical panel and then turn around and you will see a small bridge in front of you that leads to a camp with a folding chair. Along the way, you will find a blue basket containing the part you need, but it will be broken. Therefore, go to the fire and turn left.

On the red barrel you will see two more baskets - the right one will contain a working fuse. Take it, and then return to the electrical panel and install the spare part you found earlier in it. After this, the lights in the Witch's Hut will turn on.
Go inside and find a thermos on the table. By interacting with it, you can either quickly save or create a new save file. Thus, only in such break rooms you will be able to save yourself - otherwise you will have to use autosaves. Don't forget to pick up a new book page on the shelf.
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