In Marvel's Spider-Man 2 cultural museums – two additional tasks “Bebop” and “Hard Bop”, which can be completed while playing as Miles. For completing quests you will receive valuable rewards, and the last one will bring you an additional costume and achievement "My region".
How to complete cultural museums in Marvel's Spider-Man 2
Access to quests opens after completing the 14th main task. They need to be performed sequentially, first “Bebop” and only after that – “Hard Bop”. On the map, the quest mark looks like a yellow pipe.
Museum 1
Fly to the east of Harlem and you will find a door on the roof of the building, open it and a short cutscene will begin. Look at it and head to the mark on the map - the police are already working there with all their might.

Use the L2 button to explore the area. Find a small puddle next to the yellow tape where the police are standing and scan it. After this, you will need to “clean” this substance from the affected atoms by removing them.

Next, run along the green-blue gas trail from the car - you will find a group of masked men. Fight them and search the car, it will be empty.

After this, you will hear the sound of a mobile phone near the boxes, read the message and fly to the next quest marker.

Run straight a little and see a man on the right playing the trumpet. Chat with him and find out where he got the musical instrument from.

Now head to the next mark on the map. Once there, you will find an unusual picture - a woman looking at a sledgehammer that sticks out of a shop window.
Scan the tool and follow the tracks that will lead you to a group of bandits beating a man. Deal with them, talk to the victim and complete the quest, receiving eight tokens, two hundred parts and one thousand two hundred experience points.

Museum 2
After successfully completing Bebop, you can begin the Hard Bop mission. Fly to the northwest of Harlem and go through the door located on the roof of one of the buildings.
Watch a short video and then see a group of criminals. Among them you will notice Chase Darren. It turns out that he hired the bandits. Deal with the opponents and talk with Darren.

Enemies will appear on the roof again and while you deal with them, Darren will run away - catch up with him. You need to chase the white and red cars. First, deal with the white car, and then catch up with the red one - Darren is in it. Once you do this, a short cutscene will play and Chase will be arrested.
You will find yourself in a museum where you will need to find Rio. She talks with visitors in the farthest room. Talk to her and receive rewards: ten tokens, two hundred parts, one thousand two hundred experience points, an additional costume and the “My District” achievement.

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