In Marvel's Spider-Man 2 FNSM Request are small side quests that become available as you progress through the main story. For completing these tasks, the player will receive valuable rewards and also unlock two achievements: "Help Howard" And "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man".
How to Complete All FNSM Request in Marvel's Spider-Man 2
On the map, these quests are marked with a blue mark in the form of Spider-Man's head. You can begin completing the first task after the third main mission. There are six such quests in Marvel's Spider-Man 2.
Request DSChP 1
Unlocks after completing the third main mission.
Fly to the area marked with a marker on the map and talk to the girl who is standing on the corner of the building. She needs help finding her grandfather.
Follow the blue mark on the map and use the scanner at this location. You will find a note on one of the flower beds.

Run further - there will be another mark on the map. Use the scanner again and find the lighter, after examining which a puzzle will appear. Solve it by getting rid of the red atoms.

Next, follow the blue trail, which will lead you to grandfather. Talk to him, wait for his granddaughter to appear, after which the task will be completed and you will receive a reward: two tokens, two hundred parts and six hundred experience points.

Request DSChP 2
Unlocks after completing the fourth main mission.
Fly to the point marked on the map and find two guys setting off fireworks on the roof. As a result of their actions, one of the men will suffer - grab him and take him to the hospital. When you deliver him and put him on the bed, he will tell you where he got the dangerous fireworks.

Run to the place the man pointed to and you will see a group of criminals. Fight them and get rid of the fireworks. This will complete the task, and you will receive a reward: two tokens, two hundred parts and six hundred experience points.
Request DSChP 3
Unlocks after completing the thirteenth main mission.
Fly to the central area of Midtown and find a woman with a camera on the roof of one of the buildings. Talk to her.
Next you have to ride a bike to the crime scene in the park. There a group of bandits beat up a guy. Deal with them and talk to the young man. Return to the bike and find photographs on the asphalt - pick them up.

Now run to the nearby cafe and hand the pictures to Jameson. Watch a short video and receive a reward: two tokens, two hundred parts and eight hundred experience points.
Request DSChP 4
Unlocks after completing the thirteenth main mission.
Head to the western area of the financial district and talk to the man who is sitting next to the water. He wants you to help his birds get to their new home.
Fly with the pigeons to the marker on the map. Watch a short video, after which the quest will be completed and you will receive a reward: two tokens, two hundred parts and eight hundred experience points. You will also unlock the achievement "Help Howard".

Request DSChP 5
Unlocks after completing the fourteenth main mission.
Fly to the point marked with a marker on the map. Talk to the flower shop seller and the girl.

Near the bench you will find an image on the wall that someone has damaged. Correct this misunderstanding.
After that, run to the roof on the right, and on the way help the cat get a soft toy.
Go upstairs and talk to the girl there. Draw a picture together, watch a short video and the task will be completed. You will receive two tokens, two hundred parts and eight hundred experience points as a reward.
Request DSChP 6
Unlocks after completing the eighteenth main mission.
Fly to the point marked with a marker on the map and you will find a blind woman sitting near the house. Talk to her and find out that some kind of monster is coming to her yard.
Go into the courtyard and use the scanner. Find traces that will lead you to a riddle - solve it by getting rid of the red atoms.
After this, a blue trail will appear - run along it and you will find a robot that will attack you.
Tame him using the square key and play with him using basketballs on the court.
After this, return with the robot to the blind woman, talk to her and this will complete the quest, and you will receive a reward: two tokens, two hundred parts and eight hundred experience points.
You will also unlock the achievement "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man".
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