    All symbiote nests in Marvel's Spider-Man 2: how to find and destroy

    All symbiote nests in Marvel's Spider-Man 2: how to find and destroy


    In Marvel's Spider-Man 2 symbiote nests are small side quests. For completing each of them, the player will receive one thousand two hundred experience points and four tokens, and by destroying everything, you will unlock the achievement "Liquidator".

    Where to find all the symbiote nests in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

    On the map, the location of the nests is marked with a red mark in the form of a spiral - there are ten such places in total. You can begin completing the first four quests after the twenty-sixth main mission, the remaining six will open after the twenty-eighth.

    In all tests, your task is to blow up the hearts located in the nests using sound bombs ( Sonic Burst). This way the task will be completed. But not everything is so simple: after you activate the bomb, the explosion will not happen immediately, but after some time. You will be attacked by waves of enemies who will try to kill you and steal your hearts.

    The easiest way to protect hearts is in a suit "Anti-Venom", since with the help of his abilities you can kill symbiotes with almost one blow. The costume is unlocked during the story.

    Slot 1

    • Area: Harlem

    Fly to the central part of the area and destroy the enemies' lair.

    Slot 2

    • Area: Harlem

    Next, fly to the southeast of the same area.

    Slot 3

    • Area: Upper East Side

    For the next target, head to the northwestern part of the area.

    Slot 4

    • Area: Upper East Side

    Fly to the east of the area. In this place, two hearts await you at once.

    Slot 5

    • Area: Upper West Side

    You will find a nest in the west of the area.

    Slot 6

    • Area: Financial District

    Fly to the northern point of the area - there again two hearts will be waiting for you.

    Socket 7

    • Area: Chinatown

    Head to the southeastern area of ​​the indicated area.

    Slot 8

    • Region: Williamsburg

    The nest is located in the southeast of the region.

    Socket 9

    • Region: Little Odessa

    The heart will sometimes move in this area, so you need to be careful to protect it in time.

    Socket 10

    • Region: Astoria

    In this location, two hearts await you again. Deal with them and get rewards.

    After you destroy all the nests, you will also receive the achievement "Liquidator".
