In Lethal Company You will constantly encounter monsters when exploring abandoned industrial satellites in search of scrap metal for his further sale. Some of these creatures are completely harmless to players, while others can kill you in a split second. In this guide, we will list all the monsters that you can encounter in the game and give them a brief description.
Guide to all monsters in Lethal Company
All monsters in the game can be divided into three main groups: non-hostile, provoked and aggressive. The second category includes creatures that almost never attack first, but can fight back if you attack them or hang around.

You should also know that some monsters can be killed with shovels without any problems, while others can easily kill the entire group in a couple of minutes. For this reason, we will try to indicate the threat level (from 1 to 10) for all creatures so that you know in advance whether it is worth spending time fighting an enemy or whether it is better to immediately run away from it.
Let's add that you can scan the creatures you meet by clicking on the right mouse button. Thus, you will find out the name of the animal and receive a little information about it, which can be read on the terminal in the ship (a blue inscription about updating the database should appear at the bottom of the screen). Next we will look at all the monsters individually.

Baboon Hawk
- Behavior: provoked
- Threat level: 4 out of 10
- Habitat: surface of moons (outside the complex)
Winged creatures that move in groups. They are quite easy to spot from afar, and if you don't approach them without going around them, they won't attack you first or pursue you in any way. So just keep your distance.

If you provoked them (by coming close or using loud sounds), then they will certainly attack you in a flock, screaming loudly at the same time. They can kill one character in 5-6 attacks, and they themselves die after 5 hits with a shovel. They can steal things and eat the corpses of defeated players.
- Behavior: aggressive
- Threat level: 4 out of 10 (co-op) and 10 out of 10 (single player)
- Habitat: inside the complex
Looks like a shadow with two large white glowing eyes. It moves quickly and silently along the corridors of the complex, and upon first contact with the players, it initially conducts observation. You are unlikely to hear him following you until you suddenly turn around.

For a group of three or more people it poses almost no threat, since it attacks only when no one is looking at it and no one is looking in the direction where it plans to go. If the players stand back to back, he will simply stop moving.
If you are playing alone or your team has abandoned you, then you will have to look around all the time. He will stop his attack if you look directly at him, and then run away into the darkness. After about 30-60 seconds, he will resume his hunt for you again. If he manages to sneak up behind you unnoticed, he will wrap his arms around you, and then immediately kill you, and take the corpse with him.

It is relatively easy to understand that this enemy is pursuing you - be sure to close the doors behind you. If you hear someone behind you reopening the passages, then Bracken is definitely following you. Let's add that you can easily kill this monster. To do this, either climb onto the railing and hit him, or stun him first stun gun, and then hit with a shovel.
Bunker Spiders
- Behavior: aggressive
- Threat level: 5 out of 10
- Habitat: inside the complex
Huge spiders that can move along ceilings and walls. Luckily, they move relatively slowly, making them easy to escape. You can find out that they are near you by the web that these creatures weave everywhere. If you fall into the web, then warn the spider about your presence and if you fail to get out of it in time (break it with a shovel), then the arachnid will immediately finish you off. He wraps the corpse in a web.

By the way, if you catch a spider while creating a web, you will take it by surprise - it will stop and immediately freeze. At this moment, you can quickly go in the other direction or throw a flash-noise grenade under his paws, and then beat him with a shovel (7-8 hits are enough).
Electric Bees (Circuit Bee)
- Behavior: provoked
- Threat level: 5 out of 10
- Habitat: surface of the moon (outside the complex)
You can encounter them at any time of the day in the open air. They will attack you if you get too close to them. They quickly lose interest in the player, so if the bees attack you, then you only need to run away from them a little so that they stop chasing your character.

They usually fly around a red ball, which is their hive. This item can be picked up and then sold for 80-160 currency units. Not a bad loot to start the game. However, once you grab the hive, the bees will turn into an angry swarm that will fly after you without stopping. Therefore, take this item last and immediately run to the ship, and then take off.
Bees without a hive become extremely aggressive and attack everything that catches their eye. You cannot kill them in this case.
- Behavior: aggressive
- Threat level: 7 out of 10
- Habitat: inside the complex
It looks like a mannequin with its head attached to a spring; it periodically makes characteristic sounds. A dangerous creature that moves quickly and kills almost instantly. Fortunately, this monster can only move when no one is looking at it. Therefore, when you find him, begin to slowly move away from him with your back forward, maintaining visual contact with him.

He doesn't like bright lights or loud noises, so you can use these to slow him down a bit. It's impossible to kill this dummy, so don't even try to fight him.
Blind Dog
- Behavior: aggressive
- Threat level: 4 out of 10
- Habitat: surface of the moon (outside the complex)
Large dog-like creatures with large mouths that spawn outdoors at nightfall. They usually run with their mouths open, and if a person gets into their mouth, they will quickly shake him from side to side, killing him in a couple of seconds. After that they throw away the corpse.

Fortunately, these monsters do not have eyes, so they are guided only by sounds, so if you do not make noise, you will easily sneak past them. You can distract blind dogs with a boombox. If the dog runs straight at you, then jump to the left or right, and not back, since during the attack the monster makes a large jump forward.
Forest Keeper
- Behavior: aggressive
- Threat level: 7 out of 10
- Habitat: surface of the moon (outside the complex)
Huge, terrible forest creatures that appear on the surfaces of abandoned satellites after dark. They are not distinguished by intelligence, but they are very strong, see well and move extremely quickly. Chances are you'll hear them before you see them, as they stomp loudly. At this moment, try to get away from this stomp.

If the guardian of the forest notices you, then try to quickly run into your ship or some closed room, from where the forester cannot grab you. Some note that this enemy cannot take a character if he is standing right under his feet. It is useless to fight him, since it is impossible to kill him.
If the guardian of the forest still managed to grab your comrade, then all is not lost - you can quickly move him to the ship using a teleport or throw a flashbang grenade at the monster’s feet. In both cases the player will avoid death. If the character is killed, then his corpse will be eaten, and all the things he collected will be lost forever.
Loot Bugs
- Behavior: provoked
- Threat level: 4 out of 10
- Habitat: inside the complex
Small insects that rarely walk alone. They move extremely quickly and, just like the players, they collect all kinds of rubbish, which they take to a certain room, which they consider to be a kind of nest (selected randomly). So do not leave things near the entrance to the complex, but be sure to take them outside, otherwise these “cockroaches” will quickly take everything.

If you do not take into account their craving for scrap metal, they are relatively harmless creatures. They may start begging for your trash if you hold it in your hands. If you give them a crowbar, they will immediately run away. Otherwise, these insects may attack you. They will also attack you if you try to take their loot. However, they are killed quite quickly (within 3-4 swings of a shovel).
- Behavior: aggressive
- Threat level: 2 out of 10
- Habitat: inside the complex
A strange blue-green slime that immediately attacks the player as soon as it notices him. Fortunately, it moves extremely slowly, and is not able to reach the character if he is on any height (box, railing, etc.). If you step on a slime, you will die immediately. It is impossible to kill him, but you can distract the monster by placing a boombox next to him.

- Behavior: non-hostile
- Threat level: 0 out of 10
- Habitat: surface of the moon (outside the complex)
Completely harmless four-winged birds that fly in flocks over the surface of satellites. They usually fly away from players screaming loudly without attempting to attack them, so they pose no threat.

Roaming Locusts
- Behavior: non-hostile
- Threat level: 0 out of 10
- Habitat: surface of the moon (outside the complex)
Small insects that move in flocks. If you approach such a group, it will immediately disperse. They also do not pose any threat to players.

Snare Flea
- Behavior: aggressive
- Threat level: 6 out of 10
- Habitat: inside the complex
A nasty-looking insect that lurks near ceilings, sitting on beams (can sometimes be hidden under drainpipes or behind closed doors), and then jumps onto the head of an unsuspecting player, and begins to squeeze the spacesuit until it kills the character (this takes several seconds).

If you miss, the flea will begin to chase the player, trying to jump on his head - you can easily finish it off with two blows of the shovel. If she still managed to jump on your head, then you have two options:
- Ask for help from an ally who can knock the bug off you with just one blow of a shovel or a stop sign. Then you should quickly finish off the insect, otherwise it will crawl away and hide somewhere again.
- If you are playing alone and remember where the exit from the complex is, you can try running outside, as sunlight will instantly kill the flea. If you have a friend near the terminal, you can ask him to lead you to the exit (if no friends are nearby).
Spore Lizard
- Behavior: provoked
- Threat level: 1 out of 10
- Habitat: inside the complex
A large lizard-like creature that runs around the complex with a loud stomp and scares newcomers. If you just walk by, it will not react to you at all or will stop, wag its tail like a puppy, and then run again. If you try to get closer to him, he will release pinkish smoke that will block your view.

If you try to approach the lizard despite the smoke, it will bite you pointedly, but will not do much damage to you. You can kill her with 4-5 hits with a shovel, but there is no point in doing this.
- Behavior: provoked
- Threat level: 7 out of 10
- Habitat: inside the complex
Looks like a shark with long legs. He sees perfectly over long distances, but suffers from deafness, so you can easily hide from him if you move out of his line of sight. He can gain tremendous speed on straight corridors, but on turns he brakes sharply and becomes clumsy, so try to look for such areas when escaping from the monster.

The Brute can kill you in 1-2 hits, so getting into a fight with him is not recommended. If you play in co-op, then one player can stun him with a stun gun, and the rest can beat him with shovels (3-4 hits are enough). You can also stand on the railing to prevent it from reaching you, or attack the monster from behind while another person distracts it from the front.
- Behavior: aggressive
- Threat level: 6 out of 10
- Habitat: inside the complex
An automatic turret that attacks everyone it sees. They are especially dangerous in long straight corridors, as they can turn 180 degrees, completely shooting through one of the sides of the corridor. Do not hit the turret with a shovel, as it will start firing randomly, turning a full 360 degrees.

Luckily, you can disable the turret for a few seconds. To do this, you need to enter her number in the ship's terminal. That is, one of the crew members must remain on the transporter near the computer so that you can effectively deal with the turrets.
- Behavior: provoked
- Threat level: 3 out of 10
- Habitat: inside the complex
It looks like round silver discs with a red flashing light in the middle. They make a loud sound, so they are quite easy to spot. Monsters do not explode on them, so you don’t even have to try to lure enemies towards them.

If you step on a mine, it will not explode immediately. The explosion will only happen if you step off it. In this case, there is only one way to escape - use the teleport installed on the ship.
- Behavior: aggressive
- Threat level: 10 out of 10
- Habitat: inside the complex
A music box with legs that initially simply follows the player. Then the music begins to play, which eventually comes to an end. You need to have time to get out of the complex before the melody ends. If you do not have time to do this, the monster will go into the third phase, in which it will begin hunting for all the characters - it will find you, no matter how well you hide and make no noise, and then instantly kill you.

Ghost Girl
- Behavior: aggressive
- Threat level: 6 out of 10
- Habitat: inside the complex
A ghost that appears in the library (less often in other rooms), and then begins to haunt only one character, that is, only one player sees it (usually the one who uses area scanning more often than others).

A girl in a red dress appears in front of the character in the form of screamers, that is, she suddenly appears in the air and pronounces words in a creepy voice. You can't kill her. If you accidentally touch a ghost, you will die immediately.
- Behavior: aggressive
- Threat level: 8 out of 10
- Habitat: surface of the moon (outside the complex)
Giant underground worms that usually appear after 3:00 pm. This monster makes a booming sound and then emerges from the ground, eating everything in its path. The ground before his jump begins to tremble violently - at this moment we advise you to drop all heavy things and quickly run in any direction.

If a worm eats you, you will not be able to return the corpse or objects that the eaten player was carrying. You can escape from the monster if you jump into the ship in time.
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