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    All Morse Telxi codes in Genshin Impact: how to decipher them

    Zorthrus Guides 0



    In Genshin Impact Morse Telxi codes are hidden messages from the mechanical penguin and messages that can be discovered during the event "The Thelxie’s Fantastic Adventures". You can decrypt these ciphers to find out their meaning. If you are too lazy to do this, then just study our guide.

    Morse codes in the Thelxie’s Fantastic Adventures event

    Where can I find

    First, a robot penguin named Telxi communicates using Morse codes. The fact is that it does not have a language module, so it can only speak messages recorded on its board. At the same time, judging by the transcripts of his words (listed below), he understands what those around him are talking about.

    Secondly, Morse codes can be seen as part of cutscenes that are shown at the end of missions. Their exact meaning is still unknown, since the context in which they are shown is not entirely clear.

    How are codes deciphered?

    This is a double cipher. First you will need to decode the Morse code sequence. There are many online services that can help you with this.

    You will receive several letters that at first glance seem like a jumble of symbols, but in fact they are words written Caesar's cipher. The key for all codes is (-1), meaning you can get the decrypted text by simply shifting the letters of the alphabet to the left once.

    However, the penguin apparently speaks French, as you will receive French words and sentences. Now all that remains is to translate them into Russian. Again, if you don't want to do all this yourself, then just review the information below.

    What are Morse codes used for?

    At this point in time, it is not known exactly why these words need to be deciphered. Perhaps this was done by the developers simply for fun and to obtain additional information about the plot of the event. We will update the guide if we learn more details.

    Morse Codes (Day 1)

    You will encounter these codes on the first day of the event during the first story mission. Some of them are spoken by Telxi, while others are shown in the pictures at the end of the task.

    Telxi's first response

    • Morse code: -.. -... .-- -...
    • Code decryption: DBWB
    • Text (French): ÇA VA
    • Translation: How are you?

    The penguin will repeat this code twice when it first meets you. Thus, he simply greets the Traveler.

    Telxi's second response

    • Morse code: -.. .--. -. --.- -... .... --- .--- ..-.
    • Code decryption: DPNQBHOJF
    • Text (French): COMPAGNIE
    • Translation: Company

    He pronounces this word in response to Freminet phrase about satellites. Apparently, in this way the penguin shows that it does not mind becoming someone’s companion.

    The first code in the picture

    • Morse code: - ..-. ...- --
    • Breakdown of the code: TFVM
    • Text (French): SEUL
    • Translation: Lonely

    Most likely, we are talking about loneliness syndrome, which is mentioned in the plot.

    Second code in the picture

    • Morse code: ... ..-. .-- ..-. ...
    • Code decryption: SFWFS
    • Text (French): RÊVER
    • Translation: Dreams (fantasies)

    This probably refers to the hallucinations that occur in people with loneliness syndrome.

    The third code in the picture

    • Morse code: -. .--- ... -... -.. -- ..-.
    • Code decryption: NJSBDMF
    • Text (French): MIRACLE
    • Translation: Miracle

    Perhaps we are talking about a miracle that can heal the son of Zuria Destre from an illness.

    Other Morse codes will appear after access to the following event tasks.