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    Bellsprigs in Avatar Frontiers of Pandora: how to find and increase health

    Zorthrus Guides 0



    In Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Bellsprigs are special plants, touching which allows you to unlock the “In Bloom” achievement and permanently increase the main character’s maximum health. Thus, you will be able to significantly simplify battles with many enemies. In this guide we will tell you where you can find them.

    Where to find all the Bellsprigs in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

    The main purpose of these plants, which look like small trees with a bunch of green fruits on top, is to permanently increase the protagonist’s life scale. At the same time, the process of increasing health is quite simple - you need to approach the flower and press the button that appears on the screen to touch it. No further actions need to be performed.

    Unlike sprouts and Tarsyu flowers, which are often hidden in underground caves, Campanulaceae sporozoans usually grow on the surface right in the open air, so they are relatively easy to find. They also glow bright green at night. On the map they are shown as purple (if the area is not open) or blue dots (if the fog is removed).

    However, remember that the location on the map does not always correspond to where the plant actually is, but it certainly grows nearby, so check your surroundings. Or you can simply check out the information below as we show the exact locations of all the Campanulate sporozoans. We also advise you to keep before your eyes interactive map of Pandora for better orientation on the ground.

    Let's add that if the interactive map or our screenshots show a flower, but it is not in your game, then most likely you need to first destroy the mining complex, drilling rig or RDA outpost to clear the land of contamination. Then move to another area and come back, and you can find the plant you need.

    Campanulaceae 1

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Area: Weaver's Circle
    • Biome: Rare Jungle

    Located at the top of the waterfall, west of the Resistance headquarters. To get to the top, simply run over the pink mushrooms and then turn left.

    Campanulaceae 2

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Area: Silk Forest
    • Biome: Rare Jungle (Rainforest)

    Located in the center of the jungle surrounded by large trees, southwest of the Aranaje clan tree. Below it is a small lake.

    Campanulaceae 3

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Area: Silk Forest
    • Biome: Impenetrable crowns (Big Leaf)

    Get to the cliff with the waterfalls and climb to the top of the cliff overlooking the lake using a thick vine.

    Sporova campanulate 4

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Area: Silk Forest
    • Biome: Impenetrable crowns (Big Leaf)

    Found in a semi-open cave located near a river south of Drop Island and west of Cape Hunters.

    Campanulaceae 5

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Area: Silk Forest
    • Biome: Impenetrable crowns (Big Leaf)

    You can find it at the foot of a large waterfall. As a guide, you can use a tree that looks like a weeping willow, but has pinkish leaves that glow in the dark.

    Sporova campanulate 6

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Area: Silk Forest
    • Biome: Wild vines

    You can find it on the territory of the Charlie Gas Concentrator. He will appear here only after the destruction of the RDA forces in the specified location - this will happen as part of the story quest “The Eye of Ava”. The required plant is located near the bulldozer.

    Campanulaceae 7

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Area: Silk Forest
    • Biome: Wild vines

    It can also only be reached after destroying the RDA forces at the Charlie Gas Concentrator. You will find it next to a small radar.

    Sporova campanulate 8

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Area: Shady Forest
    • Biome: Bamboo Grove

    Located south of the Caviar Nest, not far from the river. It is surrounded by trees on all sides, so seeing it can be difficult.

    Campanulate 9

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Area: Shady Forest
    • Biome: Bamboo Grove

    It grows near the Caviar Nest. You will visit this place during the story mission “Take Flight”. The sporefish is located on the main route leading to the top of the cliff, making it almost impossible to miss.

    Sporova campanulate 10

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Area: Weaver's Circle
    • Biome: Rare Jungle

    You can find him on a ledge northeast of the Resistance headquarters and near the waterfall.

    Sporova campanulate 11

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Area: Silk Forest
    • Biome: Rare Jungle

    Can be found at the foot of a huge mountain range. You'll find it inside a rock formation with holes.

    Sporova campanulate 12

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Region: Clear Lakes
    • Biome: Thorny Thicket

    It grows on top of one of the floating islands in the indicated location. Use the screen to get to the right place.

    Campanulaceae 13

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Area: Shady Forest
    • Biome: Impenetrable crowns

    You can also find it on the top of one of the floating islands in the indicated location. Just fly there on the screen.

    Sporova campanulate 14

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Area: Shady Forest
    • Biome: Thorny Thicket

    It grows under the floating islands, not far from a huge tree. The pictures below show the exact location.

    Sporova campanulate 15

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Area: Weaver's Circle
    • Biome: Bamboo Grove

    It can be found on a stone ledge located near a wide river. It is quite easy to spot from the air.

    Campanulaceae 16

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Area: Waterway Valley
    • Biome: Bamboo Grove

    Find a passage to the cave located near the river and go inside. Go deep into the dungeon, and after about 10-15 seconds you will find the desired flower.

    Campanulaceae 17

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Area: Silk Forest
    • Biome: Rare Jungle

    You can find them near the river, northeast of the Cocoon Hills. The plant grows on top of a rocky ledge.

    Campanulate sporozoan 18

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Region: Talon Ridge
    • Biome: Impenetrable crowns

    You can find it in the hollow of a huge fallen tree. Go to the point we marked and go inside the tree through the hole. On the right you will find the required flower.

    Campanulaceae 19

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Region: Talon Ridge
    • Biome: Impenetrable crowns

    It grows on a rocky outcrop located at the top of a cliff, not far from a huge waterfall.

    Sporova campanulate 20

    • Region: Moth Forest
    • Region: Valley of Festivals
    • Biome: Windy Plains

    You can find it on the right side of the huge waterfall. You can get to this side along a large tree trunk. If you followed our guide, then after interacting with this plant you will unlock the achievement "In bloom".

    The guide is in the process of being written...