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    Saryn's skeleton in Baldur's Gate 3: where to find the skull in the sewers

    Saryn's skeleton in Baldur's Gate 3: where to find the skull in the sewers


    In Baldur's Gate 3 Saryn's skeleton can be found in the sewers, and she will not have a skull. If you find this item and return it to its place, you will receive a valuable reward. However, for this you will have to deal with Aelis Siriyasius and the silent penitent Bedeki in one way or another. In this guide, we will tell you in detail how to find Saryn's skeleton and skull.

    Where to find Sarin's skeleton

    It is located in the Lower City sewers, which you can reach as part of the third act. We talked about how you can get there, in separate manual. Then move to the center of this location, into a small room (X: -123, Y: 837), shown on the map below.

    If you move here from the south side, then as soon as you cross the bridge, a cut-scene will start (otherwise it will start in the room itself) with the participation of the magician Aelis Sirius. We are talking about a mad magician who will consider you followers of the Absolute, so he will decide to kill you. You can convince him otherwise to avoid battle by choosing dialogue options of Intimidate, Deceive, or Persuade (18-20 counts). If you fail the negotiations, then you will face a fight with a fairly strong sorcerer, as well as mephits, fat elementals and fat balls.

    Having peacefully resolved the issue with the magician or killed him, go up the steps and you will see a coffin in which lies the skeleton of Sarin. When examining him, you will notice that his skull is missing, so you will need to find the missing thing.

    How to find Sarin's skull

    You will need to head down the stairs in a northerly direction. You will find yourself in a spacious tunnel. Continue north, going through the doors and up one of the two stairs to the top.

    Along the way, you can find loose stones (check for Attention), which will contain valuable things, including a painted key and an unfinished diary. Once you go through the passage, you will find yourself in the ruins of the Underground City.

    Run forward past the waterfall until you see a little further on a circle on the floor and a stone door on the right side. If this area is already open, then simply move to the teleporter "Ruins of the Underground City". Now turn right (or left if you came running from the south) and walk forward a little until you notice a merchant on the steps - a silent penitent Bedeki (X: -153, Y: 936).

    Behind him you will find a wallet that you will need to get. There are two ways to do this: simply kill the silent servant of Bhaal (before doing this, we recommend purchasing all the goods you need from him) or stand behind him, go into stealth mode and steal the wallet.

    Open your inventory, find the wallet and open it - inside you will find Sarin's skull. Return to the skeleton and interact with it. A window will appear with the ability to insert an item - drop the previously found shard there and press the button "Insert" .

    As a reward you will receive 250 experience points and a rare Magic amulet, which grants the wearer Innate Fortitude, allowing him to use a counter action to make an advantage challenge or attack roll until his next long rest.
