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    Base in Palworld: the best places to build and how to equip it

    Onorina Guides 0



    In Palworld the base is your settlement. It is in this place that all buildings, as well as captured Pals, will be located. The entire gameplay will depend on how effectively you arrange your base. Therefore, you need to approach the matter responsibly.

    From this guide you will learn how to create bases, which buildings should be placed first, and how you can automate and extract resources in your settlement. In addition, in this guide we will tell you about the best places to build a camp.

    Why do you need a base in Palworld?

    Essentially, the base is your home, where you can relax with your friends, “reset” the things you have mined, and also produce the necessary items. They will help you with this Pala.

    In order to maintain an optimal level of comfort in the settlement, it is necessary to develop the base and regularly improve it.

    In total in Palworld you can build three bases. The first one can be acquired at the start, the second one will open at level ten and the third one becomes available at level fifteen.

    Best Places to Build a Base in Palworld

    Before building a base, it is worth considering a number of points, namely:

    • Proximity of resources. It is important to find a place where the most necessary materials, such as wood or metal, will be nearby.
    • Open area. In order to be able to improve and develop the base, you will need quite a lot of space. Therefore, it is better to immediately take this point into account.
    • Lack of teleport. The base works as a fast travel point, so it makes sense to place it where there is no teleportation point nearby.
    • Presence of rocks nearby. From time to time, your settlement will be attacked by dangerous mobs; large rocky blocks will greatly help in protecting your base.
    • Location of Palov. Place the base so that it is convenient to catch strong Pals for further breeding. You can also get rare resources from some Pals, and by placing a base nearby you will ensure easy hunting.
    • Terrain. Please note that buildings can only be placed on a flat surface. Additionally, large bumps will make it difficult for the Pals to move around the base, and you won't be able to use them to their maximum potential.

    Place for base No. 1

    The location where the boss Raybird is located. Despite the proximity of a dangerous creature, this location is perfect for a base.

    It looks like a huge stone cocoon containing eight veins of metal, and if you place the base right in the center, it will cover the entire area covered by the stones. Thus, protecting the base will not be difficult.

    In addition, there are many chests and merchants near Raybird.

    Place for base No. 2

    Below on the map we have highlighted the following location for the base. It's quite close to the starting area so you can walk there.

    There are six metal strands located in this location. However, there is a multi-level problem. In this case, it is better to divide the base in half and create farms and food buildings on top, and place buildings for resource extraction and crafting below.

    Place for base No. 3

    Another location for metal mining is shown in the image below. The location, like the previous one, is located not far from the starting zone.

    In this location there is a huge rock formation that will serve as excellent protection for your base.

    Another advantage of this place is that under the mountain in an abandoned mine there is an underground trader who trades in Palami.

    Place for base No. 4

    The next place is located on the edge of the Desert. There are eight strands of metal here. There are also coal deposits nearby this location.

    Place for base No. 5

    By building a base in this location (on an island next to Anubis), you can acquire a large number of coal veins. To be precise, there are eight of them.

    However, not everything is so rosy; in this location you will encounter some difficulties. The difficulty will be that the terrain is multi-level. You will have to use ladders with which the Pals can go down to the deposits.

    Place for base No. 6

    We marked the next place in the desert in the screenshot below. There are six veins of coal at this point. A little further on the shore there is a town in which there is a Palami merchant and a medicine seller.

    Place for base No. 7

    There are a lot of resources in this place, there are veins of coal and veins of metal.

    Place for base No. 8

    A little east of the previous place there is another good point with a large number of coal veins. There is a flat surface here, which is very important for a base, and there is also a merchant nearby.

    Place for base No. 9

    You can get a good place very close to the starting area. There will be several stone deposits nearby, and it will also be possible to mine wood without any problems.

    In addition, this place is well protected by rocks and cliffs. In fact, you will only have to defend from the eastern side.

    Place for base No. 10

    If you locate your base in this place, then you will definitely never have problems with wood and ore.

    How to build a base

    There is nothing complicated about building a base. You just need to install the central node of your settlement - a container for Pals. To do this you will need: 8 wood, 1 palsium fragment and 3 stones.

    How to automate the database

    It is important to place the base in such a way that it touches the largest number of cores with its circle.

    In order for everything to work in the settlement without your participation, workers are needed. Let's look at production automation using the example of a base where Pokemon mine ore for subsequent processing into metal.

    The Pals must have a clear profile in order to mine a specific type of resource (in our case, ore). In addition, dual specialization is required to smelt the extracted resource. Thus, to extract metal, you must have a smelter at your disposal, for example, Digtos.

    You also need to have three slash melters. For example, Reptiro.

    Next at the base there should be a watering Pal. Relaxaurus will do.

    You will also need at least two universal Pokémon who can collect, chop down wood, and carry objects.

    Also, one Pokemon must be allocated so that it can be on hand, that is, to replace the rest.

    What to build on the base first

    Below we will tell you what should be built first for the ideal residence of the Pals at the base.

    Any two landings. In our case, these are berries, since they are the cheapest.

    A feeding trough that will contain food for the Pals.

    Pasture with a sheep. She will be able to give the Pals cotton candy, which, in turn, increases the sanity of the creatures.

    Be sure to place a place for Palov to rest. One will be enough.

    Also build a fence to protect yourself from enemies.

    And don't forget to provide several beds for pets.

    In addition, you can place a couple more buildings on the base to increase the efficiency of the Pals:

    • Pickaxe and helmet - speed up mining.
    • Sacred Fire - increases the speed of Palov.

    How to improve your database

    At the very beginning, you will only have one worker at the base. Naturally, you won’t go far with Pal alone. Therefore, in order to correct this situation, you need to pump up the base.

    This is not difficult to do - just complete fairly simple tasks in the Palov container. For example, at the very beginning you will need to place beds and feeders for pets to rest on the base.

    For completing one assignment, you can increase your base by one level and receive one additional worker.

    How to move the base

    It is currently not possible to move your base to another location in the game. In order to “move” to a new location, you will have to destroy the settlement through the Construction menu. The materials spent on construction will be returned to you. All Pals will be sent to a container and will be available at the new base.

    How to protect your base

    Think about protecting your base. To do this, it is better to use a multi-level system.

    • Position the base so that there are rocks or bodies of water nearby.
    • Place fences, thereby strengthening the boundaries of the settlement.
    • Use traps. Place additional defensive installations, it is better if they are in places invisible to the enemy.
    • Don't forget that Pals are capable of excellent fighting. Therefore, train them and provide them with weapons.

    We hope that with the help of our guide you have figured out where to place your base in Palworld and how to set it up for the first time.