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    Long Days in the Realm Within in Genshin Impact: Where to Find Ancient Tea Cups in Chenyu Valley

    Zorthrus Guides 0



    In Genshin Impact Long Days in the Realm Within are secret achievement, to unlock which you need to find ancient tea cups in the Chenyu Valley and pour tea into them. This can be done by solving small puzzles. In this guide you will find out exactly where these items are located and how to solve all the riddles.

    Where to Find Ancient Tea Cups in Chenyu Valley

    In total, you can find four cups scattered in different corners of the patch 4.4 location. Before you can fill them with tea, you will need to solve small puzzles. The map below shows the approximate location of the puzzles. Next we will look at them in detail.

    The first ancient tea cup

    Travel to the teleportation point west of Qiaoying Village and then move north into the small ravine. Walk up the path and enter the ancient ruins. Here you will find a stone table with cups.

    There will be a ladder to the right of it - go up it, run towards the waterfall, and then turn around. You will see wooden boxes blocking the water. Destroy the crates and return to the kettle. Click on the button "Pour" .

    After this, a water pearl will appear above the pond behind you - activate it to turn into a carp and land next to the precious chest.

    Second ancient tea cup

    Teleport to the waypoint on the slope of the Tea Tree, and then go down a little in a northeast direction. Under a huge tree you will find a stone table with a teapot, but there will be no cups on it. For them to appear, you will need to bring green, orange, red and blue butterflies to him.

    The orange one is hovering over a tree root right next to the table - just turn the camera to the east.

    Climb this root and look north - you will find a green insect at the “Upstairs” .

    Now look ahead (to the south) and even higher up in the tree you will notice a blue butterfly.

    After collecting the third one, turn north and you will see the last red butterfly a little higher up.

    Now return to the table, approach all the butterflies so that they transform into cups, and then click on the inscription "Pour" . Watch the cutscene and take the contents of the chest.

    Third ancient tea cup

    Teleport to the statue of the seven Archons near the Chizhang Wall, and then go down a little to the north, and near the steps you will find another stone table. The cup will be missing again.

    Climb up a little, going in a northerly direction, and you will see a white light on the slope - examine it to find an ancient jade cup. Return to the table, place the cup and drink your tea. This will unlock a nearby treasure chest and increase the flow of water in the area.

    Fourth ancient tea cup

    Warp to the Archon Statue near the Chizhang Wall again, but now move southwest of it and go down the mountains to the lake. On its shore you will find a stone table with one cup missing.

    Turn the camera to the left and go to the island with a large boulder that will disappear as soon as you get close to it. A sword will appear in its place - examine it. Then deal with the Geovishap that has crawled out of the ground (we do not recommend using physical and Geo damage dealers).

    Now return to the table and pour yourself some tea. If you followed our guide, then right now you will unlock the trophy "Long Days in the Realm Within", for which they give 5 primogems.

    A precious chest will also appear not far from you. This completes the puzzle.