In Dragon's Dogma 2 Ulrika is the headwoman of the village of Melve and one of the contenders for the role of the Risen's beloved. You can start a romance with her by completing a series of side quests, but this opportunity can be easily missed. In this guide, we will tell you how to start a romantic relationship with an archer and improve it with gifts.
How to romance Ulrika in Dragon's Dogma 2
The beginning of the novel
You will first meet this girl as part of the initial story quests, when you get to the village of Melve. You learn that you saved her when the dragon attacked the settlement. So you can already see that a rather warm relationship has formed between the protagonist and Ulrika, but there is no way to develop it yet, so you don’t even have to try.

After completing one or more quests given by Brant in the capital, return to Melwe to once again help the locals fight off the dragon and begin the quest "Return of Disaster". During it, you will learn that Ulrika fled to the village of Harv after being accused of treason. You will need to find her there and talk to her - she will decide to stay here to deal with the monster and clear her good name.
Important: Make sure you don't complete Deception Extravaganza until you're back in Melve, otherwise the entire storyline with Ulrika will stall and you won't be able to romance her.
Development of the novel
Complete the side quest "Scaly Invaders" and return to Harv in two or three days. You learn that one of the villagers was kidnapped by lizards and taken to their cave. Ulrika will decide to lead a team to rescue the beastmen and invite you to join her. Help her rescue Zoran by completing the quest "Trouble on the Cape".
After this, the people of Kharv will decide to make Ulrika the new village chief. The girl will not refuse them and will want to settle in this village forever. Her sympathy for you will increase significantly, which can be understood by the blush on the young lady’s cheeks.
How to improve your relationship with Ulrika
At this stage, we advise you to slightly increase your relationship with the girl with the help of gifts. You can find it in a house located in the center of the village of Kharv. The pictures below show the correct location. Then go up to her and talk. To present a gift, click on the button shown in the lower right corner of the screen and select the appropriate gift.
Ulrika's Notes page states that she likes delightful and beautiful objects. We are talking about bouquets of flowers, precious stones (jasper, onyx, etc.), gold bugs, rings, fruits and fragments.

Flower bouquets are the easiest to get, as they are not only hidden in many chests and found in some rooms, but can also be crafted from fairly common plants:
- Sunflower + Midday color
- Midday Color + Moonlight
- Sunflower + Silvermoon

Give the girl 1-2 bouquets of flowers - that will be enough. However, if you have previously upset her in any way, for example by accidentally attacking her or the civilians of Kharv, then you will have to give her many more gifts.
The climax of the novel
Wait a few days after completing the previous quest with Ulrika and return to Melwe to begin the quest "Home is where the heart is". You have to arm the local residents by giving them four swords, and then drive the soldiers out of the village with them. People won't want to stay here, so they'll move to Harv.
After a few more days, visit Harv in person and go to the village beach. There on the pier, chat with Ulrika and tell her about what happened. She will thank you and ask you to meet her at the same place that night. Wait until nightfall and talk to the girl again.
You will be shown a cut-scene in which the girl confesses her feelings and kisses the main character. The next morning you will wake up in Ulrika's house. This is where the romance with her ends, that is, we will not see any more scenes with her. However, she may appear at the end of the game as your lover.
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