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    Moon Lantern in Baldur's Gate 3: How to get, repair and protect yourself from the dark curse


    Moon Lantern is a unique item in Baldur's Gate 3, necessary to get to the Lunar Towers. It provides its owner with a Lunar Shield, which is capable of protecting against the effects of the Dark Curse, which deals continuous damage to anyone who is not protected.

    We'll tell you where to find all the working and broken lanterns, as well as how to fix them and what to do with the Pixie who is in one of the Moon Lanterns.

    How to get a moon lantern from Karniss in Baldur's Gate 3

    The easiest way to get a Moon Lantern is to pick it up from a guide named Karniss or use his escort to get to the Moon Towers.

    Use the Spider Lyre

    In order to call on Karniss for help, you need a Spider Lyre, which can be obtained in the first act from the Night Keeper Mintara in the Goblin Camp (X: 330 Y: 42) or from Faithful Nere in Grimforge.

    You can find out more information about the lira only from Faithful to Nere in the Underdark (X: -635, Y: 312).

    If Nere is still alive, he will give you the Spider Lyre and tell you that allies will be waiting on the surface, ready to help you get to the Lunar Towers.

    If Nere was killed, we take it from his corpse Spider lyre and we find Broken moon lantern.

    After passing two checks (10), we learn that this lantern is magical and uses Pixie pollen.

    In order to use the Spider Lyre, you must go to the Cursed Lands through the Mountain Pass (X: -142, Y: -129).

    On the other side, a goblin brawler will be waiting for your team, who will take you to the camp of the Absolute cultists.

    Armed with torches, we reach the camp and speak with an orc named Kansif (X: 99, Y: -54). He will offer to call a guide with a lantern in order to safely escort everyone to the Moon Towers.

    Important! You can use the Spider Lyra to summon Karniss only in dialogue with Kansif. In any other case it will be useless.

    After passing an optional Charisma check (25), the mad brawler Karniss will appear and invite you to follow him.

    On the way to the Moon Towers, Karniss will sense harpers preparing to attack.

    Here there will be a choice: join them to receive support in the future or fight the harpers and move on with the caravan.

    Go through Grimforge

    If you entered the Cursed Lands through the lift in Grimforge, for the first time we advise you to stock up on torches that will help you get to the first safe place. Also before entering the Blighted Lands, another Broken Moon Lantern (X:37 Y:-1165) can be found on a bench.

    On the way you will meet a group of harpers, one of whom fell under the influence of a curse (X:66 Y:164). After a short fight, the surviving harpers will escort you to the local shelter - the Last Light Tavern.

    After a “warm welcome” from Jaheira, you will be sent to the second floor to meet Isobel, whose power protects the shelter from the Dark Curse. After a short conversation, an old acquaintance of the defender will appear - Firefist Marcus, who, on the orders of Ketherick, must kidnap Isobel.

    Only if she is rescued will Isobel give you basic protection "Blessing of Selune" which can protect you from the weak effects of the curse. However, it will be impossible to reach the Lunar Towers with it.

    After the battle, not far from the rune circle “Last Light Tavern” (X:-10 Y:121), harpers will be waiting for you.

    They will report that a caravan of cultists will be passing nearby, who have something that helps avoid the effects of the Curse.

    We follow the harpers to the dilapidated house (X: -5 Y: -16) and wait for the approach of the Absolute adepts.

    In a couple of seconds, the spider Karniss will appear with his retinue and we have several options for the outcome of events:

    • Kill Karniss and take the lantern.
    • Persuade Karniss to give the lantern.
    • Go to the side of the spider, fight the harpers and, together with the caravan, get to the Lunar Towers.

    Kill Karniss

    Karniss does not have much resistance to any damage, however, once per round he uses the Shelter spell, which protects him from any damage until he hits an enemy. In this case, spells with area damage, such as Fireball or Ice Storm, will be useful.

    Throughout the fight, Karniss is in the Web Fanaticism state, which allows him and his allies to deal an additional 1~6 psychic damage. Therefore, in battle, potions and spells are needed to protect against psychic damage.

    The drake also has the passive feature “Sun Sensitivity”. The Daylight spell will cause Karniss to have disadvantage on attack rolls and attention checks.

    On Valor mode, Karniss has the legendary action Fanatical Retribution. It silences enemies and deals up to 60 psychic damage for each ally killed.

    At the end of the battle, we find on the ground Moon Lantern, we take the sword Merciless Sting from the spider and move on to the Moon Towers.

    Persuade to give

    In order to pick up the Moon Lantern peacefully, in a conversation with Karniss, you must select the following dialogue option: “The Absolute was my protection” .

    Next we go through two checks for Deception (14). If you successfully pass the checks, Karniss will allow you to pick up the lantern and, together with the rest of the cultists, will move on.

    Should Pixie be released from Moonlight Lantern?

    As soon as the Lunar Drake Lantern is in your hands, a cutscene will begin, from which it becomes clear that a living Pixie is imprisoned in this lantern.

    A pixie named Dolly-Dolly-Dolly will persuade the hero to free her. Deciding whether to let her go or not will be quite risky, since there are no more Moonlight Lanterns nearby.

    Let Pixie Go

    Having let Dolly go, she will be very grateful to the hero. In turn, we ask her to help us protect ourselves from the Shadow Curse.

    Pixie will give us a Filigree Fairy Bell, which will give the whole team a passive effect "Pixie's Blessing", which functions similarly to the Moon Lantern.

    Break the lantern

    If we break the lantern at Pixie’s request to free her, she will get angry and reward our character with a curse "City Laughing Stock". It does not provide any effects other than clown face paint. The condition can be easily removed using the Remove Curse spell.

    But even in this case, Dolly will still give you the bell and the opportunity to move further through the Blighted Lands.

    Leave Pixie in the lantern

    If you ignore Pixie and leave her in the lantern, sooner or later she will disappear from it, and with her the opportunity to receive a Filigree Bell that bestows a Blessing.

    How to get to the Moon Towers

    Once you find protection from the curse in the form of a Moon Lantern or Pixie's Blessing, you can head to the Moon Towers.

    From the dilapidated house, where the harpers were preparing an ambush for the caravan, we move to the northwest. We pass through the Reitvin customs (X: -83, Y: -76), turn left and immediately see the rune circle “Moon Towers”.

    If we go through the Mountain Pass, the road will also pass through a dilapidated house.

    In case you took away the Moon Lantern by deception, at the exit from the Reitvin customs, you will be attacked by Karniss along with his minions (X: -132 Y: -77). At this point, they will be turned into undead by the Dark Curse, and will be easy to defeat thanks to radiant damage spells.

    How to get the remaining moon lanterns in Baldur's Gate 3

    Balthasar's chambers

    Having reached the Lunar Towers, after meeting Ketheric Torm directly, Adept Zarell will be waiting for you on the second floor.

    In order to get the Lunar Lantern, you need to convince her that your characters are truly followers of the Absolute.

    Next in the dialogue, select the following answer: “I live to serve. What is required of me? and Zarrell will give us the task of finding the adept Balthazar and the relic that Keterik is looking for. You will also receive the key to Balthazar's chambers, where the Moon Lantern is located, which will help the party get to the Mausoleum.

    Balthazar's room is located on the second floor of the Moon Towers (X:-132 Y:-185).

    Next to the desk decorated with skulls is a Moon Lantern.

    How to open Balthazar's Chamber of Secrets

    On one of the tables in Balthazar's room we find a book hinting at how to get into the Chamber of Secrets.

    While exploring the chambers, the characters must pass a perceptibility check to notice that there is a lever in the bookcase behind some of the bookshelves. If you click on the wrong shelf, you may fall into one of the traps: poisonous gas, zombies or spikes.

    Click on the top right shelf "Moldy Volumes" and we hear a click of the Ancient Altar opening nearby. Following the advice from Balthazar's book, we insert a heart there, which can be found on any corpse in this room.

    A secret door will open in the closet. After which Gale will receive inspiration: "Secrets of the Necromancer: Solve the puzzle in Balthazar's secret room".

    How to repair and enchant a Moon Lantern

    Balthazar's secret room contains a Ritual Circle, four broken Moon Lanterns, and two dead Pixies. Gale will tell you that Balthazar probably did experiments using dark magic.

    It is Gale who will be able to repeat the experiment with the Moon Lantern or destroy the Magic Circle.

    In order to enchant the Moon Lantern, you need to connect the Dead Pixie and the Broken Lantern using the Magic Circle.

    In the end you will get Lantern of Shadows, capable of summoning Wight as an ally.

    You can only use the Magic Circle once, which means you can only repair and enchant one Shadow Lantern.

    If you choose to destroy the circle with dark magic, Gale will receive a temporary condition "Mystra's Favor".
