In Genshin Impact Excerpts of Bliss are special Simulanka collectibles that can be found by collecting Feathers of Joy and opening fairy chests. Later you can exchange them for various valuable rewards. In this guide, we will tell you all the ways to get these unique leaves.
Tips for Finding Passages of Joy in Genshin Impact
You can find these items in various parts of Simulanka, a new temporary area in update 4.8. Basically, to get them you will need to collect Feathers of Fun and open fairy chests. Some of these objects will be hidden behind various puzzles.

There are also tools that can significantly simplify the search for fragments of joy in the territory of a fairy tale world. We are talking about letters of fun and glee. We also advise you to keep before your eyes interactive map of the region to better navigate the area.
Jocund Letters
After collecting a certain number of fragments of joy, you will get a new tool in your arsenal - Jocund Letters, which will help you feel joyful emotions, leading the Traveler in the desired direction.
With it, you will be able to find Excerpts of Bliss located near you within a specific area.
Joyous Letters
By collecting the specified number of passages of joy, you will receive an even more effective tool for finding passages. This unique envelope allows you to discover all the holiday sheets located in Simulank.

Where to find all the Fun Feathers
The location of all the feathers of fun can be seen in our separate manual. You will have to run around Simulanka a lot to collect all the feathers with rewards. Each of them contains 3 passages of joy.

Where to find all the fairy chests
Despite its name, we are talking about ordinary, rich, precious and luxurious chests. In each of them you can find 1 passage of joy. In separate guide We have shown the location of all the chests in this temporary region.

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