In Honkai: Star Rail Xianzhou Tour Guide is hidden achievement patch 2.4, to unlock which you need to meet Pepeshi and the Erudroid again on Lofu Xianzhou. Please note that the location of tourists may differ depending on your answer in one of the story quests. In this guide we will show you all the places where they can appear.
How to unlock the "Xianzhou Tour Guide" achievement in Honkai: Star Rail
First meeting with pepeshi and erudroid
Please note that when completing a story quest "Old roads, new skills" you will definitely meet these tourists. You only need to arrive at the Central Harbor of Star Skiff Haven and approach the quest marker to complete the task "Find Yanqing in the Crowd"

Instead of a lieutenant of the Cloud Knights, you will stumble upon a pepeshi and an erudroid who have arrived in this world from Penaconia to film new memories. They will ask you about places of interest and ask you for advice on where to go. You can recommend one of four places for them to choose from:
- Aurumaton Lane
- Garden of Serenity
- Scaly Gorge
- Climb the Ambrosia Tree
Depending on your offer, they will go to one location or another. You can meet them there after completing the quest chain "Duel under the Azure Sky I". Next we will indicate all locations.
Where to find tourists in Aurumaton Lane
Teleport to the Dimensional Anchor "Aurumaton Lane Night Market" in the indicated location, and then go up the steps and on the right you will immediately find pepes and an erudroid standing near Mrs. Yu. Chat with them to find out what memories they were able to collect.
Where to Find Tourists in the Garden of Serenity
Move to the teleporter "Exit to the Zelenata Terrace" and turn the camera to the left. To the left of the guards you will immediately notice your new acquaintances. They will note that they were able to obtain a lot of materials to create a dream about a nightmare. True, they were never able to find real ghosts.
Where to find tourists in the Scaly Gorge
Head to the anchor "Dragon Shower Monument", located in the eastern part of the location, and then go even further east to the coast. Here, near the exit of the area, you will find the inhabitants of Penaconia filming the local landscape to create a meditative daydream.

Where to find tourists in the House of Shackles
You will receive this option if, in the story quest, you asked pepeshi and an erudroid to climb the Ambrosia Tree. Teleport to the anchor "Scriptorium: Before the Entrance", and then turn around, and you will immediately see the desired characters in front of you. Interact with them and listen to their story.

As it turned out, they really tried to climb the tree, but they were caught and now they need to prove to the authorities that they did not plan to get the elixir of eternal youth, but only wanted to film a beautiful landscape.

Note that after talking with Pepeshi and the Erudroid in any of the above locations, you will immediately unlock a new trophy, for which you will receive 5 star jades. Plus, you will be given 5000 credits and 2 adventure journals.
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