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    Coin Locker in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All Coins and Solve the Riddle

    Coin Locker in Silent Hill 2 Remake: How to Find All Coins and Solve the Riddle


    Once in Woodsite Residential Complex , you will be able to find coin cabinet in Silent Hill 2 Remake, located on the first floor in the reception area. To solve the puzzle, you need to find three coins scattered throughout the apartment complex, and then solve four riddles to open the locker and get the key item.

    In our guide, we will tell you how to find all three coins and solve the puzzle at all difficulty levels.

    How to Find All Locker Coins in Silent Hill 2

    Coin "Man"

    After you find the save and the coin locker itself, follow the stairs to the second floor. As soon as you enter the dark corridor, you will see an open door with a bright light shining from it.

    Go to the room where you can pick up the mannequin flashlight. Be careful, there will be another monster right behind the mannequin. Also take it from the desk drawer with the mirror. key to the exit to the garbage chute .

    To use this key, go down to the first floor and go right from the reception window. Go around the corner, where you can use the garbage chute key to unlock the double doors leading to the closed courtyard. Opposite you will see a cart, moving which will take you back inside the building.

    Go to room number 112 and go out through it into the corridor. Next, go right and go to the end until you run into a passage closed by a grate. Behind it there will be another key. You won't be able to pick up the key right away. As soon as you press the button, a cutscene will start in which a girl will suddenly appear, knock the key out of James's hands and run away.

    Turn around, unlock the nearest door on the left and go outside again. Now go to the opposite side of the yard and enter the door on the left side. Once inside the building, immediately turn left and enter corridor with apartments 104-117 . Follow to the end until you reach the same grate on the other side. Pick it up from the floor. the key that opens the corridor on the second floor complex.

    Turn around and go inside room 108 , where you can find the necessary item that will be useful to you in searching for a safe with a coin.

    Return to the reception area and go up the stairs to the second floor again. Unlock the double doors on the left and explore the next corridor. Now you need to get to to the laundry . The room will not be marked with anything, but there will be a sign hanging next to it. sign with apartment numbers 213-202 .

    Go to the laundry room and approach the garbage chute window. Interact with it and look inside. Inside you can see the next coin, but take it right away it won't work .

    Next, follow the room 213 , where, by going through a crack in the wall, you can get into another corridor. There, in one of the apartments, you will find gun . How to get to the place where you can pick up the gun, you can find out from separate article.

    Once you have the gun, head back to 213 apartment the same way. This time you will find a corpse in the room and a TV turned on in front of it. Take it from the table key to apartment 212 and go back to the corridor.

    Unlock it 212 apartment the key you found and get into the next room through the balcony. Now you need to go out into the corridor and find room 208 , leading to the first coin.

    Enter the hidden room, open the safe following the instructions from of this guide and take it away coin "Man" . You can also take from the safe key to get out of this strange room.

    Coin "Girl"

    Once you leave the room with the safe, proceed further into apartment number 205 . There will be a place in the middle chair with key to small stairs (2nd floor) .

    Return to the corridor and open the nearest door, locked with a latch. Go forward, destroying enemies along the way, until you run into the one you need door covered with cellophane . Read the note hanging nearby and unlock the door leading to the stairs with another save point .

    Go to the next floor and turn left, where at the end also on the left side you will find a passage in the wall. Explore the apartment, kill all the enemies and go out to the balcony through the next door.

    Be careful, in the next apartment you can be caught off guard by another monster. Kill it and go left, into a room with a small hole. Get through it into the next room with a garbage chute.

    Take it from the table a pack of apple juice cans And throw it down the garbage chute . In the cutscene, you will see the next coin, along with the rest of the trash, fall into a large bin in the courtyard. The map will also show the exact location of the coin.

    Go out into the courtyard, pick up the "Girl" coin and go through the double doors to the right of the grate. Now you need to find apartment 116 , where you will find a corpse in the refrigerator and a character named Eddie in the bathroom.

    Coin "Snake"

    After the cutscene ends, jump out into the yard through the window. Outside, you will see a red stroller surrounded by armless monsters. Deal with the monsters and take from the stroller coin "Snake" . Now return to the locker in the reception area through the door on the right and start solving the puzzle.

    How to solve the coin locker puzzle

    To open the locker you will have to arrange coins four times in a certain way. Each combination must match the text that will appear in the hint at the top of the locker.

    Each coin also can be turned over to get other images: man - sword, girl - grave, snake - flower.

    Solution for standard difficulty

    Read the first text clue from the cabinet and arrange the coins as follows:

    • "Male" is the slot on the far left.
    • "Girl" is the slot in the middle.
    • "Flower" is the slot on the far right.

    According to the second clue, place the coins in the following slots:

    • "Sword" is the second slot from the left
    • "Girl" is the second to last slot on the right
    • "Flower" - remains in the same place on the right at the end

    After the third hint appears on the screen, arrange the coins as follows:

    • "Man" is the slot in the middle.
    • "Grave" is the penultimate slot.
    • "Snake" is the last slot on the right.

    In the final part of the puzzle you must choose yourself who is to blame for the girl's death: the man, the snake, or the girl herself. There is no exact answer here, as the story can be viewed from different angles. Choose any coin and insert it into the hole at the top. However, we personally chose Snake , so we advise you to do the same.

    Easy difficulty solution

    In this case, the solution to all the riddles will look like this:

    • 1 riddle: "Man" - empty slot - "Girl" - empty slot - "Flower"
    • Riddle 2: All the coins remain in their places, but you will need to change the “Man” to a “Sword” and the “Flower” to a “Snake”.
    • 3 riddle: "Snake" - empty slot - "Grave" - empty slot - "Man"

    Solution for hard difficulty

    In this case, the solution to all the riddles will look like this:

    • 1 riddle: "Man" - empty slot - empty slot - "Grave" - "Snake"
    • 2 riddle: "Grave" - "Sword" - "Flower" - empty slot - empty slot
    • 3 riddle: empty slot-"Man"-"Girl"-empty slot-"Snake"

    After solving the puzzle, you will hear the click of an opening box, from which you can collect key to room 201 .
