In Genshin Impact A Good Sign is daily errand Liyue, in which you have to look for various signs for Zhi Hua. By completing it, you can open two achievements at once: "Love Is All Around" and "Open to Interpretation". In this guide, we will show you how to start this quest and get all the trophies.
How to start the Good Sign quest
Unlike normal world quests, you won't be able to get this mission just by talking to a specific character or visiting a specific location, as the quests are randomly issued (after you reach Adventure Rank 12) and change every day.

However, you can slightly increase the likelihood of getting the desired quest. To do this, you need to open the traveler's guide (the book-shaped icon located in the upper right corner of the screen) and go to the "Assignments" section. There, in the option to select the desired region, specify Liyue. Then you just have to wait for the necessary task to drop out.
Walkthrough of the quest "A Good Sign"
After receiving this mission, head to the pier of Liyue Harbor and talk to a character named Zhi Hua there. Agree to help him look for signs. Then head to the marked location.

Find a sign
There are 5 signs in total, however, only 2 of them can be found for one assignment. To get the achievement you have to interact with all of them, so You will have to complete this mission several times.. These trophies, by the way, represent the "good" and "bad" endings of the quest.
How to unlock the Love Is All Around trophy
To get it, you just need to go to the indicated places, stand in the illuminated signs and watch the signs, namely:
- Take a look at the doves.
- Take a look at friendly dogs.
- Look at the fallen leaves.
- Look at a cat befriending a fish.
- Take a look at Granny Shan's brisk trade.

After examining all these signs, return to the quest giver and tell him about what you saw. In the end, you will be able to knock out the desired achievement.
How to unlock the "Open to Interpretation" trophy
To do this, you will need to not only find signs, but also fulfill a number of conditions. For example, when you inspect the foliage, you will need to burn it (Pyro skill) or blow it away (Anemo skill).

After finding a fish and a cat, you will need to kill the fish (apparently, you will not be able to get a trophy with the usual collection) with a bow and drive the cat away with sword strikes.

After inspecting the pigeons, you will need to kill or scare them by shooting the birds with your bow.

Seeing friendly dogs, you will need to scare them away by attacking with any skills or weapons.

Completing the Good Sign quest will reward you with Source Stones, Mora, Companionship EXP, Adventure Points, and Enhancement Ore (the amount of the reward depends on your Adventure Rank).
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