In Atomic Heart, the Cheat Sheet for SDK-2 "Shuttlecock" is one of the main tasks in which many players had problems getting codes and opening the gates of the village due to bugs. In this guide, we will tell you how to get around these errors on the licensed and pre-release versions of the game. The latter was leaked a few days before the official release.
Passage of the task "Cheat sheet for SDK-2 "Shuttlecock""
Get codes from Volan
This mission begins after completing the tasks "A Breath of Fresh Air" and "House in the Village", in which you will get to Baba Zina. Watch a short cut-scene and talk to the granny, who will tell you about the codes from Volan. Turn around, go to the table with the red tablecloth and take the quest item from it. You will also receive a blueprint for the Dominator weapon.
Note: On the "pirate" version, you will not be able to get codes - you will only be given a weapon scheme. This is where the main mistake in the mission lies, since it stops all its other tasks. Keep moving through the story and we will explain to you how to solve this problem.
Note: A similar bug may also occur on the license. However, it will only need to update the game to the latest version, as the developers have already fixed this error.
After taking the codes, talk to granny again. You can interact with Eleanor before that to create a new cannon (if you have enough materials).
However, we strongly advise you not to do this on the unlicensed version of the game, since in most cases you simply won’t be able to pick up the weapon after it has been made, which is why you will have to look for another red machine gun (located to the right of the Lesnaya station, in a bunker with a red roof; see the screenshots below), that is, you will waste resources in vain.
Open the village gates with Volan
After talking with Baba Zina, exit the house, turn the camera to the left and you will see a tower in the distance, which you will need to climb. Start walking towards it along the path leading down. Go through the open gate, approach the tower and stand on the red platform to start climbing up.
When you get up, you will see a white capsule in front of you. Interact with her by pressing the "F" key, and then select the camera indicated on the map and open the gate. After that, you can exit the security terminal. The task will be completed, and you will be able to take on the Morning Express quest, in which you will have to get to the Lesnaya station.

How to fix a bug with "Shuttlecock" and gates
If you are playing the "pirate" version, then you simply will not be able to interact with the "Shuttlecock", since you will not have the necessary codes. How to be in this case? You will have to use the developer console. Press the "Backspace" key (the arrow turned to the left), select the "Quests" category and click on the inscription "Complete Quests".
The mission will end and you will receive the next quest. Follow the marker to the closed gate. Get close to them, and then open the debug console again, but now just click once or twice on the inscription "Teleport Forward". As a result, you will move forward a little and find yourself outside the closed grid.
Then you can continue the passage of the plot. Get into the red car in front and move towards the Lesnaya station.
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