In Resident Evil 4 (2023), Destroy the Blue Medallions 2 is one of the Trader's quests where you have to find and break some pendants in the Fish Farm Quarry. In this guide, you can find out how to take this quest, where to find quest items, and what exactly you will receive as a reward.
Where to find blue medallions in Quarry and Fish Farm
How to start the Destroy the Blue Medallions 2 quest
During the passage of Chapter 3, you will need to find a blue note that hangs right next to the entrance to The Quarry. It can be seen from afar, so you are unlikely to pass by. Check out its contents - you will again have to shoot 5 blue medallions, and as a reward you will receive four spinels. The map below shows their approximate location.

Blue medallion 1
Stand in the center of the quarry not far from where you can pick up the treasure, and move the camera up and to the right - you will see a pendant near the scaffolding.
Blue medallion 2
After passing through the quarry, get to the merchant, and then climb the stairs and open the large wooden doors. Go outside, turn left and go down the ledge. Walk a little to the right and you will notice a decoration under the pier.
Blue medallion 3
After destroying the previous pendant, turn left and go up the wooden ladder to the top. Then go through the narrow tunnel to get to the fish farm. Turn right to fall off the platform into the water. Go around the fence, turn left and enter the small hut ahead. Inside you will find a talisman.

Blue medallion 4
Exit the house, turn left and enter the water again. Walk along the water to the right, and then turn left. Take a look at the building ahead - you will notice a blue decoration in the gap in the middle.
Blue medallion 5
Having found the previous talisman, turn around, climb the wooden platform and turn left. Run forward and then jump to the left into the water. Turn around again and go under the platform to find the last pendant under it. There will be a red treasure chest nearby.
After completing the quest, you will need to talk to the merchant the next time you meet him. He will give you a reward. As a reminder, you can exchange spinels for rare and unique items at the shopkeeper.
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