Price Comparison in Genshin Impact - This daily errand to Sumeru, during which you have to help Azalai make a profitable decision. In the guide, we will tell you how you can get this task and complete it by making the right choice.
How to start the Price Comparison quest
To unlock daily quests in Sumeru, you must first complete the quest "Adventure Takes Courage" . After that, in order to increase the chance of getting the desired quest, we advise you to select the Sumeru region in the corresponding tab in the Traveler's guide. Now you have to wait until the daily drops on a random day.

Talk to Azalai
Go to the village of Aaru and go forward from the teleport, going down a little to one of the towers, and talk to the merchant. Azalai will tell you about shipping issues that are causing him to run out of items to sell. There are two options for further development of the quest.
Spices (first option)
If Azalai needs spices, he will ask you to contact Rama or Jutu. You can change your choice at any time.
Teleport to the western point in Port Ormos - the girl is standing very close. Rama sells cheap spices in bulk.
Juta's shop is located in the city of Sumeru, in the Grand Bazaar. He himself will try to dissuade you from buying his spices - they are too expensive for the inhabitants of Aaru, and you will not be able to order a large volume. However, the choice is yours.
Dried Fish (second option)
If Azalai needs Dried Fish, you will have to make a choice between Butrus and Jaganhir.
Teleport to the west of Port Ormos - to the same place where Rama is located. From the teleport, turn a little to the left and go forward, past the dancer Tarane. Butrus sells cheap fish without spices, which is just right for Azalai.
You can also find Jaganhir in Port Ormos. Move to the teleport near the bridge and jump off it, then go a little to the southwest. Jagankhir sells high-quality fish seasoned with various spices, but Azalai's money can't buy a lot of such goods.
Return to Azalai
No matter what product you needed to buy and what seller you chose, Azalai will be waiting for you right there in the village. Talk to him and give receipt from a merchant. Azalai will thank you anyway and the quest will be completed.

Depending on your Adventure Rank, you will receive the following rewards:
- 10 primogems
- 175-250 adventure experience
- 1950-6575 pestilence
- 20-60 friendship experience
- 1-4 Common/Superior/Magic Augment Ore
Unfortunately, regardless of the number of playthroughs and options chosen, there is no achievement for this quest.
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