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    The Damned in Cyberpunk 2077: contact Jay and find Skater

    Fenthick Walkthroughs 0



    The Damned in Cyberpunk 2077 is the fifth story mission in the Phantom Liberty expansion. To find Jay, you will have to use old connections and visit a mysterious netrunner in a guarded complex. Our guide will sequentially consider all stages of the task: entering the ventilation, searching for the Skater and destroying the processor.

    Walkthrough of the mission “The Damned” in Cyberpunk 2077

    How to start a task

    The mission starts immediately after completing the previous assignment of this chain - "Sleeper Agent", no special actions are required. If, however, the task did not activate on its own, simply start tracking it yourself by manually selecting it in the task log.

    After Reed's call, the task will change to "Old Wounds" and the first task will be to contact one of his former subordinates.

    Enter the Moth bar

    The establishment is located in the Shore Slums, so you can simply use the nearby Cress Street travel point to avoid taking too long to get there.

    The entrance to the bar is located on the second floor and after you enter, you can immediately sit at the bar counter. Reed will warn about possible negativity from his former subordinate, but in any case, you just have to wait. The reaction of the girl behind the counter to Reed entering will be extremely clear - you can disarm her or show her a coin, as a result you will still be able to talk.

    Follow the barmaid out onto the balcony, where you will be able to continue the conversation, finally touching on the figure of Jay. After completing negotiations, return to Reed, who is waiting at the bar. Then discuss the action plan with the newly formed team and move to the next point of interest.

    At this stage of the task, you can also talk with Johnny, who will be standing at the exit. He has some thoughts about what is happening.

    Meeting at the Skater's hideout

    Not far from the bar there is an unfinished salon, in which the mysterious netrunner is located. You can run there on your own two feet, or you can call a car using the call option (V key by default).

    Once you reach the marked point at the top, sit on the bench and wait for the spy. After a short dialogue, follow him inside the building, where a further plan of action will be developed. You can choose one of three options, which, however, do not affect the result and production:

    • Negotiate with security;
    • Get inside through the ventilation;
    • Just storm the building.


    Approach the guards and select the item in the dialogue “You didn’t save Brigitte’s mom from me, and you can’t save the Skater either.” , then they will let you in without a fight.

    Get through the ventilation

    If you still want to get around some of the enemies, you can go outside and climb up onto the canopy above the entrance. On the right there is a passage to the stairs, going down which you can open the door for Reed, and then go up with him to the ventilation shaft.

    Continue to carefully move through the ventilation, scanning the environment, disabling traps and breaking cameras. At the exit from the ventilation, you will need to turn off the two cameras on the stairs and either use camouflage, or just wait until the enemies go to another room.

    Then you can simply slide past and talk to the Skater, the right place is indicated in the next paragraph of our guide.

    Assault or Infiltration Error: CPU Disabled

    If you decide to attack the enemies directly, or if you are spotted while moving through the ventilation, a fight will begin. You need to break into the room in the center of the building and use hacking or weapons to damage four panels on the central column - one on each side. This will overload the system and finally allow you to kill the remaining guards.

    After this, you can continue searching for the netrunner.

    Conversation with a Skater

    Whatever path you choose, in the end you need to end up on the second floor in the central hall. Pay attention to the curved nook on the map, this is where the netrunner's hideout is located.

    Talk to the Skater about the black barrier and request a connection. He will not refuse - he will only have to watch the cut-scene. Not everything goes well, but at least the connection with Soyka can be restored.

    Leave the shelter with Reed

    Leave the building in any way: either in the reverse order of penetration, or, on the contrary, search the still untouched corners in search of loot. You can arrange a shootout with the rest of the opponents, you can sneak past them, or you can even run straight to the exit.

    One way or another, you will find yourself on the street, where Reed will tell you a little about the location of the Black Sapphire, and the task will end, opening the next part of the plot - the mission “Hand Washes Hand”.