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    Help Giovanni in Genshin Impact: where to find incredibly easy branches

    Melnica Walkthroughs 0



    Help Giovanni in Genshin Impact is one of Petrichor's mini-quests. In this guide, we will tell you where to find all the incredibly simple branches in which a man recognizes items lost by the “enemy,” and how to get a reward.

    How to help Giovanni

    How to start the quest

    You can complete this task only until the end of the mission "The Fortune Plango Vulnera". Otherwise, the minds of the villagers will clear up and you will no longer have to help them.

    You can talk to Giovanni first - his position at the edge of the village is indicated in the images below, or you can immediately start searching for clues.

    Where to find all the incredibly simple branches

    In total, you will need to pick up three clues.

    First branch lies to the left of the path leading to the village.

    The second one is lying around near the top of the stairs, not far from the previous evidence.

    third you will find under the tree to the right of the house where Giovanni is sitting.

    How to get a reward

    Climb onto Giovanni's roof and give him the branches you found. If you haven't talked to him before, you'll have to start the dialogue twice.

    As a reward for your help, the man will give you magic ore for upgrading your weapons and two instructions about “Order”.