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    A Free Meal 2 in Wuthering Waves: How to Solve the Cipher Block Puzzle

    Zorthrus Walkthroughs 0



    In Wuthering Waves A Free Meal II is a side quest in which you have to solve a puzzle with a magnetic cube and encryption blocks, placing the key repeaters correctly, and also deal with the patrolmen. If you have difficulties receiving and completing this task, then study our guide.

    Walkthrough of the quest “A Free Meal 2” in Wuthering Waves

    How to start a task

    You can take on this mission after completing the previous task in the chain "Free Food 1". Next, you need to wait 2 in-game days - you can go about your business or just skip the time through the main menu (click on the clock icon in the lower right part, and then click on the inscription “2 day later” and select any period of time). The corresponding quest should then automatically appear in your quest log.

    You'll need to head southeast from the Distribution Center, where you'll find Minghu activating a distress signal near a pond. Chat with him, and then agree to follow the soldier. Approach the car in front, after which a new cutscene will start.

    How to solve the magnetic cube puzzle

    After talking with the other prisoner and "Minhu", you will need to remove the protection from the detention cell. To do this, you will need to give your partner orders by pressing the “F” key so that he brings the magnetic cube to the blue illuminated area. To do this, select the following commands:

    1. Attack right
    2. Attack forwards
    3. Attack forwards

    After solving the puzzle and removing the laser barrier, go downstairs and talk to the masked man. Then run forward and start climbing up, following the quest signs. Approach the weapon box and watch a short cutscene. Next, deal with the group of patrolmen.

    Continue your investigation

    Having dealt with the opponents, climb to the very top along the ladders and go to the door. Watch another cutscene. Once in the new cave, turn into the steel booth on the right to collect the contents of two chests. Then continue following the quest signs until you find yourself in a spacious room.

    Deal with the next enemies in red and talk to the people behind bars. Go back and start solving the cipher block puzzle.

    Solving the Cipher Block Puzzle

    To solve this riddle, you need to find four key repeaters and place them correctly on the pads to fully illuminate them. To do this, some of them will need to be turned in certain directions.

    First key repeater

    Use the Sensor to see the location of the first key repeater or just look at the screenshot below. Grab it by pressing the "T" key (if you can't grab it, then open the gadgets menu and select Levitator), and then bring it to the encryption blocks near the laser barrier and place the device (left mouse button) in the place shown in the second image below.

    Second key repeater

    Pick up the next mechanism, go to the encryption blocks and turn it twice ("E" key) so that it can fill the space in the shape of the letter "L". The second picture below shows where it needs to be placed.

    Third key repeater

    It stands on an iron container. Take it and get close to the red lasers. There, install the device in the block shown in the second picture below so that it fills all the “L” shaped pads.

    Fourth key repeater

    You can find him next to the cell where the prisoners you talked to earlier are sitting. Take it and go to the last unfilled blocks. Turn the key twice and then install it in the marked location. As a result, you will solve the puzzle and open the passage. Plus, you will have the achievement unlocked "Set off the Fireworks".

    Get the key to the detention cell and open the gate

    Go to the new room and deal with three guards in red. This way you will automatically receive the key. Now go back to the prisoners in the previous room and open the cell to let them out.

    Go to the console nearby and use it to call the elevator. Deal with the enemy, and then launch the elevator to rise to the upper level. Start running forward, dealing with opponents along the way. Then exit the cave and fight the mini-boss Fractsidus Executioner: Guardian.

    This enemy is very mobile and capable of inflicting considerable damage, so take your most pumped up fighters. Having dealt with it, watch the final video, after which you will receive your reward: 300 Union EXP, 20 Astrite, 10,000 credits, 2 advanced resonance potions and 2 advanced energy cores. In addition, you will unlock the achievement “Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap” (Nothing is Free).