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    I, Flame Bearer in Genshin Impact: How to Defeat Monsters


    IN Genshin Impact I, Flame Bearer, am Natlan's peace mission, as well as part of quest chains "The Flame of Yupanqui's Turn" And "Kinich’s Deal". As part of it, you will have to defeat the hounds of the rift, photograph the drawing, find the stolen books and catch up with Matthias Eight Hands. If you have difficulties with receiving and completing the quest, then study our guide.

    Walkthrough of the world quest "I, Flame Bearer"

    How to start a task

    The first thing you will need to do is complete the previous mission in the series called "Kinich’s Deal". After this, the new task should start automatically. If this does not happen, try logging out of your account, wait 20-30 minutes and log back in.

    Next, move to the settlement of the Scions of Kron, located almost in the center of Natlan, and scroll time using the Paimon menu to the next day (08:00-12:00). Then go to the lower platform and chat with Huni and Toba.

    How to Research and Photograph a Drawing

    After talking to the kids, go further north and approach Thiago. He will ask for your help in finding the relic and tell you about the ruins. Move to the teleporter at the top of Tetikpak Peak, and then move towards the quest marker. When you get close to it, watch a short cutscene.

    Next, you will need to deal with a group of Rift Hounds. Remember that these enemies can cast Decay, so shielders are useless against them - you need to use healers or try to kill them before they cause serious damage to you. After dealing with the enemies, go to the wall with the drawing to examine it.

    Now you will need to take a photo of the image you found. To do this, stand in the place marked by the pointer and press the "F" key. Then point the lens at the wall with the drawing and take a photo. Return to Tiago, who will be waiting for you behind the wooden bridge. Listen to Ponche's problem.

    Help Poncha find the stolen books and catch up with Matthias Eight Arms

    Teleport to the waypoint near the Kron Scions settlement, then turn around and go down to the quest marker. You will find the thief. Then start chasing him. We recommend that you transform into a jumkasaurus using the green transformation stone (key "T") and start following the criminal, attaching to the seals “Upstairs” (key "E"). The gif below demonstrates the corresponding process.

    Next, watch a couple of cutscenes. Kinich will approach you and want to chat with you in private. Go to the quest marker just south of your current location and watch the new cutscene. Then, use the Paimon menu to scroll to the next day (08:00-12:00).

    Get rid of the Hounds of the Rupture

    Travel to the underground teleporter on Tetikpak Peak and approach Kinich, who will be standing near the entrance to the cave. Watch a short cutscene, and then engage in combat with a group of Rupture Hounds. We recommend taking a pumped-up team so that you don’t have problems with the monsters.

    Next, you will meet your old "acquaintance" Endze. Kinich will ask what to do with him. You can choose any option, since the herald of the Abyss will run away from you anyway. This will be the end of the quest. As a reward, you will receive 575 adventure points, 44 thousand mora, 5 hero books and 10 units of magic ore of enhancement.
