Verified whistleblower Tao (Plusle), referring to vississ, spoke about the main problems of the Fontaine region, which will be added to Genshin Impact, With You with the release of patch 4.0.

The main ones include a huge gap in the welfare of the population (the rich own almost all the resources of the country), which leads to a serious confrontation between the upper and lower classes. Recall that in the previously leaked description of Hydro Archon, it was noted that she was disappointed in the judicial system she created, since she almost always takes the side of those in power.
Environmental pollution is also observed in the Hydro region. Most likely, this is caused by the industrial revolution observed in Fontaine. Earlier, it was noted more than once that this country is much more developed than the rest in terms of technology. However, the insider did not provide any evidence, so you should not trust this information 100%.
The network also has new leaks on patch 3.8. For example, timing and TeamChina posted screenshots and videos of Penumbra. On the videos you can see the menu of the main event "Mirage Viluariam" and the transformation of Idia into Oceanid. The images also show the amusement park, Hydro Eidolon, roller coasters and various locations of Penumbra.
In addition, the Snow Federation has posted several screenshots of the Meeting with Keia, which will be added in update 3.8. On them you can see that the players will visit several regions With You with the captain of the Knights of Favonius at once: Mondstadt, Liyue and Sumeru.
The release of update 3.8 is scheduled for July 5 this year (provisional date).
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