Before the release of patch 4.0 for Genshin Impact a little less than a month is left, so new details about Fontaine are starting to appear more and more often on the network. For example, Vississ' informant showed Katherine from the branch of the Adventurer's Guild located in the capital of the new region.

The same insider revealed information about a new intelligent race - the Melusins. According to legend, they are the children of the sea monster Elinas, as they were born from her tormented body. We are talking about amphibious creatures, that is, they can live both on land and under water. At least one playable character will be a Melusin - Sigvine (4-star; Hydro, Onion), who works as a nurse in the prison.

This prison, by the way, is called Meropides and is described as a fortress. Its workers rarely go outside, as they sleep and eat right there. At the same time, it is called "a wonderful place in which people live, work and strictly observe all laws." Also working here: Risley (5 stars; Crio, spear) and a gothic girl with two braids.

Insider CroiX added that a quest related to this prison will be added in patch 4.1. Perhaps, within the framework of it, the Traveler will get acquainted with the characters mentioned above. He also showed a screenshot of Marianne Ann and Maury, NPCs that play an important role in the 4.0 side quest chain. Note that the players will have a new book similar to Aranyaka, already associated with Fontaine.

In the end, we note that Gi News announced the absence of rain in the Hydro region, that is, there is sunny weather most of the time. According to him, this is due to ground puzzles, which would be noticeably simplified in the event of a downpour. Apparently, their solution will be connected with the use of water.
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