A video has surfaced on Twitter (X) showing the case of the new PS5 model, which will presumably be called Slim and will be equipped with a removable drive.
[media=https://twitter.com/BwE_Dev/status/1690098165490548737?ref_src=twsrc^tfw]Note that the first leaks about a more compact version of the console were published in the previous year. They noted that the set-top box will be able to remove the drive and there will be another USB-C port. By the way, on the posted video you can immediately see two corresponding ports located on the front side of the device.

We add that on one of the Chinese forums a possible image of the “slim” appeared, and, outwardly, it looks like the one shown in the video. Tom Henderson has previously stated that an updated version of the console will be released at the end of 2023. Sony is also rumored to be developing a more powerful PS5 Pro.
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