    Telegram channels with leaks received bans from HoYoverse

    Telegram channels with leaks received bans from HoYoverse


    Over the past 24 hours, several large foreign channels specializing in project leaks HoYoverse, issued a public apology to the studio for publishing early, inconsistent game content.

    Two foreign channels at once Telegram, "Yuban-NetWork" and "Hexenzirkel | HoYo Gaming Channel” published posts apologizing to HoYoverse. Both sources cleaned up everything regarding the leaks and promised not to violate confidentiality Contest Rules in the future.

    There is no word yet on whether the channels have suffered any penalties from the developers. Genshin Impact And Honkai: Star Rail, however, one thing is for sure: this unexpected raid on insiders will most likely develop into a strong news lull, at least from the colleagues of the victims in the above-mentioned application.
