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    Insider: developers can add mounts to Genshin Impact to explore Natlan

    Zorthrus Game news 2 724 0

    Verified informant UTeyvat reported that the authors Genshin Impact We have almost completed work on the upper part of Natlan - Piro Kingdom, which should be released in patch 5.0.

    Apparently, this region will also have many underground locations, like the Sumeru Desert. At the same time, the insider adds that the size of the new area is already amazing. For this reason, he suggested that mounts could be introduced into the game to explore Pyro locations.

    However, we are not necessarily talking about mounts. It is possible that the developers will add some kind of fixed transport system, such as aquabuses or airships in Fontaine, which will simply run from one point to another. Note that Natlan is most likely located to the west of the Sumerian Desert and the Hydro Kingdom.

    Let us add that insiders from Team Mew revealed new information about a hero from Natlan named Xbalanque. According to them, he will use a male teenage body model (Bennett, Xingqiu). Let us recall that this character was previously quoted by Nevillet, calling him “Buried by the primordial fire.”

    According to rumors, this dark-skinned boy will be a 5-star, and his element is fire. His influence will be even greater than that of the Pyro Archon - Murata. Note that Xbalanque is the name of one of the Mayan hero twins.
