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    Demonstration of the battle with Harlequin and other bosses of update 4.6 in Genshin Impact

    Melnica Game news 5 981 0

    Every day more and more information appears about the 4.6 update Genshin Impact. This time, insiders showed us the gameplay of the new bosses.

    The first of these was the weekly boss – Harlequin. In the video you can see the second phase of the battle with the Harbinger. In it, she moves quite actively around the field, attacking the player with several scythes at once. The moment when she flies up, opens her scarlet wings and launches a powerful attack across the area is especially impressive.

    The attacks can be seen in more detail in the footage provided by teammeow.

    Also, thanks to the dim slider, we can see a 360° Adeptal Energy Overview of the Harlequin boss form from the archive.

    In addition, teammeow showed us a Log of the fight with the Golem Captain. On it we can observe how a mechanical centaur constantly inflicts pyro strikes across the area. At the same time, a geo Noelle: Protector hangs on him all the time, which will undoubtedly have to be taken into account when preparing for the battle with him.

    Let us remind you that materials from both bosses will be needed to level up Harlequin, who will also be able to join the squad in update 4.6.
