Well-known informant Tom Henderson said that the announcement of a new project in the series Prince of Persia, which is allegedly being developed by the Evil Empire team for Ubisoft, will take place on April 10 this year.

According to him, the game will be released almost immediately after the premiere - on May 24. However, at first it will be kept in early access to be completed based on feedback from players. At the same time, you shouldn’t count on AAA action, which was the trilogy released in the early 2000s. Fans will be treated to a roguelight made in the cartoonish (fairy-tale) style of “Franco-Belgian comics.”
The developers plan to support the game for a long time, releasing free updates for it. Henderson assures that it was already shown to the press on April 3 at a closed event. You can only play the new Prince of Persia on PC.
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