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    New official details about Natlana in Genshin Impact

    Melnica Game news 4 130 0

    After the event starts “Chronicles of the search for a lizard of a special shape” V Genshin Impact players finally received information about Natlan not only from numerous leaks, but also from official channels. Its main source is an NPC named Ranjit, who issues instructions to the Traveler. From dialogues with him you can learn the following interesting facts:

    • A common activity in Natlan is rock climbing.
    • Hot springs already known from other NPCs are mentioned. Surely, we will be able to visit them as part of our exploration of the region.
    • Ranjit mentions that during his stay in Natlan he experienced "excess Piro on the skin." Presumably, exploration of the region will be complicated by a special aura affecting the characters, similar to the cold in Dragonspine and the electricity in some parts of Inazuma. You can currently fall under such influence of Pyro, for example, during the second phase of the battle with Signora.
    • Natlana is home to special creatures - saurians. They are powerful elemental creations that live in alliance with the common people of the region. You can learn more about them from the description of the artifact set "Unfinished Layla: Daydream". It is mentioned that some of the saurians have fire breath. Various world bosses remind Ranjit of these Natlalan creatures.
    • The warriors of the Pyro region choose their combat gear to look more like dragons and appear more impressive in the eyes of their opponents.
    • The climate of Natlan is noticeably different from the rest of Teyvat.
    • There is a rule or taboo unknown to outsiders, because of which the residents of Natlan cannot go beyond the borders of their region.

    It is expected that we will be able to explore Natlan on our own, and not from the words of a few NPCs, at the end of summer after the release version 5.0.
