In Genshin Impact The Dragonspine Spear is a 4-star polearm that you can obtain from The Festering Fang World Quest. As part of it, you have to find unusual dragon fangs. In this guide, we will tell you where to find them and how to craft this spear.
Passage of the quest "The Festering Fang"
How to start a mission
To do this, head to the red cave located in the Gorge of the Sleeping Dragon. Closer to the center of the location, you will see an Strange Tooth on the ground, which you can pick up. Pick it up, after which Paimon will advise you to return to the camp, where you can ask knowledgeable people about the find.
Note: You will be able to stumble upon unusual fangs while exploring a new region. Usually these items are guarded by strong opponents.
So, head to the camp near the entrance to the snowy region and talk to the adventurer Yu Xia there. She will direct you to Orban. Chat with him. He will ask you to find three more unusual dragon fangs.
Where to find unusual dragon fangs
The first one is in the upper right corner of the region, on a small island south of Springvale (see the first two screenshots). It can be hidden inside an ice crystal, so you have to first take Scarlet Quartz, which is located at the point shown in the screenshots below.
Note: Dragon fangs don't always end up exactly in the places shown in the screenshots, but they are definitely not far away. Therefore, if you did not find the item at the point indicated by us, then just look around the area. We will also try to add some screenshots with possible fangs placement.
An area with the location of the second dragonfang will appear on your map. If this does not happen, then just come to the place shown in the images below. When you get there, you will notice bones sticking out of the ground. Approach them, find the dragon fang and pick it up.

The third dragon fang lies in the southeastern part of the area, in a location with an ice lavachurl. Most likely, you will have to kill him first, and only then you can pick up the desired item. Don't forget to use Crimson Quartz to gain an advantage in battle.
The fourth last fang is located in the same place as the dragon heart, so we advise you to pick it up last so that you do not have to run to the same location twice later.
Note: To create copies of this weapon, you will also need dragon fangs. You can find them in the same places that we indicated above, but only 3 real days after the collection. So be patient if you want to improve the spear to the maximum.
Power up the dragon fang
Collecting 50 units star silver and fangs, return to Orban and talk to him - he will ask you to go to the dragon's heart. When you get there, 3 Fatui (Electro, Geo and Pyro) will spawn. Be sure to bring characters with the right elements with you to be able to remove their shields. Otherwise, just pick up Scarlet Quartz.

Interact with the heart after defeating the enemies and you'll be trapped with 8 more fatalities that will come in waves. To make it easier to fight them, we highly recommend taking Pyro, Cryo, and Hydro class heroes to your team. The Scarlet Quartz that is nearby can also help, but in this case the fight will still drag on.
- Fatui 1st wave: 1 cryo and 1 electro
- Fatui 2nd wave: 1 cryo and 2 geo
- Wave 3 Fatui: 1 Electro, 1 Pyro and 1 Geo
How to craft a Dragonspine Spear
Return to the blacksmith Orban and give him the required materials for making a spear to complete the quest. Note that the shape of the spear of the Severyanin can be obtained with Dragon Stormterror.

After completing the quest, you will receive a new 4-star weapon and its blueprint (you can craft copies), as well as unlock an achievement. Note that this is a spear, like a two-handed sword. Snowy starry silver, has the Frost Burial perk.
This ability has a 60% chance to create an ice Elemental Reaction: Crystallize over an enemy on a normal or charged strike that falls down and deals 80% of attack power in an area of effect. If mobs have About Cryo, then they take 200% damage. The ability manifests once every 10 seconds.
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