In Genshin Impact Snowy Star Silver is a 4-star two-handed sword that can be obtained by finding special stone slabs with ancient inscriptions scattered all over the Dragonspine Mountains. In this guide, we will tell you how to find all the stone tablets and where the weapons are located.
Location of stone slabs in Dragonspine
In the above region, 8 stone tablets can be found. You can interact with them in any order. However, on the map below, for convenience, we numbered them, and we will indicate the location of the ancient plates in the marked sequence.

Stone Slate 1
On the ridge overlooking the lake/island where you will also find the Princess' Box.

Stone Slate 2
Next to the ruined tower, where you will also find the Priest's Box. It is guarded by the Ruin Grader.

Stone Slate 3
Under the puzzle with totems in the outskirts of the buried capital. We are talking about the place where one of the frozen fragments is located, which you need to get by Quest "In the Mountains".

Note: After the release of update 1.5, as soon as you complete the task "In the Mountains", in the place where there was a hole before, Cryo Hypostasis will appear. Therefore, to get into the cave, you will need to use a different path. Move to the teleport west of this boss. Nearby you will find a tunnel that leads directly to a stone slab. The screenshots below show the correct location.

Stone Slate 4
Next to a bunch of fires that are part of the fairy puzzle. To solve the first puzzle, run around the area With You the spirits until all the altars are lit. As a result, a hidden level will open where the tablet is located.

As for the second puzzle (which you don't have to solve if you're only here for the new two-handed sword), to solve it you'll need to run in circles with the fairies until Paimon tells you that they must move at an equal distance from each other. friend. That is, you will need to "tag" (get close to) each spirit once and let them hover over a small area without getting too close.
Stone Slate 5
While in Starlight Cave, follow the sloping paths until you reach the very top. There will be a Void Cryo Mage and a Ruin Grader that you can fight if you activate all the switches.

The object you are looking for is on a ledge overlooking the area shown in the screenshot.
Stone Slate 6
Before entering Peak of Vindagnyr Dungeon. You will need to complete the "In the Mountains" task in order to open the passage to this dungeon.

Stone Slate 7
He is behind a secret door that can be opened after finding all three caskets (Princess, Priest and Scribe). We talked about it in separate guide.

Stone Slate 8
From the Statue of Seven, jump down and follow deep into the cave leading south. Here you will find a stone slab.

If you have interacted with all eight of them, you will be able to activate the switch. This will open the door to a secret room.
How to Get the Sword of Snowy Star Silver
Once inside the secret room, you can open a chest that contains a blueprint for crafting a Claymore Snowbound Star Silver. Then be sure to light all four torches in that location using Pyro's skills. As a result, you will see a cut-scene with the appearance of the corresponding two-handed sword.
This weapon has the Frost Burial perk, which has a 60% chance to create an ice Elemental Reaction: Crystallize above the enemy on a normal or charged strike that falls down and deals 80% of attack power in an area of effect. If enemies have About Cryo, then they take 200% damage. The ability manifests once every 10 seconds.

This is a good two-hander, however, due to the bonus to physical damage, it is more suitable characters, which are focused on performing physical attacks. These include, for example, Razor, that is, Dilyuk or Chun Yun, he is unlikely to fit. We also recommend having a Cryo class character in the team.
In addition, you can also craft this sword using 50 crystal fragments, 50 units star silver and 1 Northerner Sword Form, dropped from dragon Dwalin (The Stormterror).
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