In Hogwarts Legacy chests with an eye are a kind of mini-puzzle, the solution of which allows you to get a considerable amount of gold. These chests can be found in different parts of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. In this guide, we will tell you where to find these unusual objects and what you need to do to open them.
How to open the eye chest in Hogwarts Legacy
Shortly after arriving at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you may stumble upon your first chest with an eye. As you approach him, you will notice that his magical eye is watching your every move, preventing you from opening the lid. You can try to sneak up on him, but that won't work.

To quietly approach such a chest, you must first use deillumination spell, which can make the wizard invisible. After applying the spell, start slowly approaching the desired object in stealth mode until a button appears to open it - immediately click on it and take the contents. The gif below shows the whole process.
If a big-eyed chest has noticed you, then it does not make sense to use invisibility, since it will not allow you to approach it anyway. You will need to move away from him a considerable distance, wait until he goes into normal mode, and only then use a charm or potion.
How to learn the Deillumination Spell
Sebastian, a Slytherin student, can teach you him as part of the main task. "Secrets of the Restricted Section", access to which opens already in the first half of the game. By the way, it is in this quest that you will most likely open your first chest with an eye.

If you are headlong into completing side missions and activities, and have not yet studied these spells, then you can use them instead invisibility potion, which works on the same principle as the spell. True, the elixir recipe costs 500-800 gold coins. Plus, you will need to collect or acquire certain materials, so we strongly discourage you from using potions to open these chests often.
What lies inside the chest with the eye
Unlike most other treasure chests, which contain randomized gear, collectibles, and other items, eye chests always contain 500 gold coins.

Thus, finding and opening them can be a good way to quickly accumulate capital at the beginning of the game, when you will constantly lack money to buy potions, new recipes, equipment, and the like in shops.
Where to find all eye chests in Hogwarts Legacy
You can find these chests only in two regions: Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. Some of them are hidden behind locked doors with locks, so we advise you to study the spell before starting to search for them Alohomora. We also recommend keeping in mind interactive map of the world to make it easier for you to navigate in space.
Eye Chest 1
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Greenhouses (Extension to the library)
Teleport to the indicated location, jump down from the ledge, run forward and go down the circular ladder located on the left side of the tree. After going downstairs, immediately apply the invisibility spell and slowly move forward. Soon you will see a chest with an eye.
Eye Chest 2
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Library (Extension to the library)
Go to the indicated location and go to the forbidden section located on the right side of the location. Open the iron grate, turn right and go down the stairs. Then turn left and go to the far right corner - there will be a passage to another room, where you will need to reach the far right corner again.
Go down the stairs again, go through the open right passage and cast the invisibility spell. Now enter the room with the table and plinths. In its opposite side you will find a chest with an eye.

Eye Chest 3
- Region: Hogwarts
- Function: Dark Arts Defense Class (Astronomy Wing)
Get to the indicated point of the flying flame, and then turn right and go down the stairs to the room with the rhinoceros skeleton. Then immediately turn left and use the invisibility spell. The chest is located in the far corner of the room, next to the statue.
Eye Chest 4
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Professor Fig's classroom (Astronomy Wing)
After teleporting to the specified location, turn around and enter the door to the right of the green flame. You will find yourself in the restroom, where there is a chest. Before entering the room, we advise you to cast a de-illumination spell.

Eye Chest 5
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: North Exit of Hogwarts (Bell Tower Wing)
Teleport to the specified location, and then turn around, run into the school yard and immediately turn left. Run along the wall and climb up the stairs. Then turn left again and enter the tower. Before that, apply the invisibility spell.
Once inside, begin to slowly move forward. Soon you will see the necessary chest near the right wall.
Eye Chest 6
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Beast Study Room (Bell Tower Wing)
Teleport to the specified location and go up the ladder located ahead. Once at the top, turn right from the door, use the invisibility spell and reach the chest near the fence.
Eye Chest 7
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Inner Court of the Bell Tower (Wing of the Bell Tower)
Teleport to the indicated location and climb up the ladder located to the right of the green flame. Continue up the stairs until you reach the tower. Cast invisibility on yourself before moving forward. On the right you will see the chest you need.

Eye Chest 8
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Grand Staircase (Hogwarts Stairs)
After teleporting to the marked location, go down the stairs and turn left. Next, climb the other ladder up to the kelpie statue. Before going into a new room, use invisibility. On the left side of the room you will see a big-eyed chest.

Eye Chest 9
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Viaduct Courtyard (Great Hall)
Head to the marked point and climb up the stairs on the right side. Continue up the second ladder. At the end of it you will see a chest with an eye.
Eye Chest 10
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Cartography Hall (Secret Rooms)
Complete the quest first "Hall of Cartography". After that, head to the marked location and climb the spiral staircase to the right of the green flame. After rising, cast the invisibility spell and go to the back of the room. There you will find the desired object.

Eye Chest 11
- Region: Hogwarts
- Domain: Divination Class (Library Addendum)
Teleport to the indicated point of the flying flame, turn around and go into the passage to the right of the green flame. Turn left and run forward along the wooden platform. After about 10-15 steps, use the invisibility spell and go to the very end - there you will notice a big-eyed chest.
Eye Chest 12
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Slytherin or house common room (Hogwarts stairs)
Teleport to the marked area, and then turn around and turn left. Exit to the hall with a ladder and again turn left into the corridor. Run forward along it without turning anywhere. Once at the fork, turn right.
Turn the corner to the right and go up the stairs. Walk a little forward and turn into the second left passage. Then run forward again without turning anywhere. At the end of the corridor you will see a door with level 2 lock - open it, go inside and immediately cast an invisibility spell. The chest is on the right side of the room.
Eye Chest 13
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Teachers' Tower (South Wing)
After moving, go forward along the corridor and immediately turn right at the exit. Open the locked door with a level 1 lock to enter the locked area. Then go up the stairs ahead to the third floor. Hack level 3 castle on the door on the left and go inside.
Turn into the passage on the right and cast the invisibility spell. You will see the chest you need in the far part of the room.
Eye Chest 14
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Region: West Hogsmeade
Teleport to the marked area and then turn left and go under the stone bridge. Before doing this, cast a de-illumination spell so that the chest does not notice you.

Eye Chest 15
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Region: West Hogsmeade
Go to the indicated point, and then turn left and go along the stone bridge. Once on the other side, turn left again and start walking around the house. When you see the cart on the left, cast invisibility on yourself and go to the chest with the eye.
Eye Chest 16
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Region: West Hogsmeade
Teleport to the marked area, face the green light and turn left. Take a few steps and turn right to go down the stairs. Run forward along the street, and then turn left into the passage between the buildings.
Climb over the stone wall and cast an invisibility spell. Next, approach the chest, standing near the building and the cart.
Eye Chest 17
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Region: West Hogsmeade
Go to the indicated point, turn left and cross the bridge to the other side. Then turn right and run up the path. Turn left to the cemetery and before entering its territory, cast the invisibility spell. The chest is on the left side of the location, behind the crypt.

Eye Chest 18
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Region: West Hogsmeade
Move to the marked point of the flying flame and run forward to the house, standing a little to the right. Standing near its corner, apply the invisibility spell and go to the right to find a chest.
Eye Chest 19
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Region: North Hogsmeade
Head to the marked area and then turn left and head towards the stone bridge. Before reaching it, use a de-illumination spell and turn right, around the corner of the house. There you will see a chest.
Eye Chest 20
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Region: North Hogsmeade
After moving, turn left and cross the stone bridge to the other side. Turn left at the fork and go up the stairs. Move forward to the Timophylls and Toadstools store and go inside. Then immediately use invisibility and go to the left side of the establishment, where you will find a chest.

Eye Chest 21
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Region: North Hogsmeade
After teleporting to the marked point, turn right and run to the Invisibility Hat store. Enter the building to the right of it, on which the sign hangs "Dervish & Banges"
, but cast invisibility first. Once inside, turn the camera to the right and you will immediately see a chest.
Eye Chest 22
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Region: North Hogsmeade
Teleport to the specified point, turn left, reach the reservoir, and then turn right and run upstairs. Before reaching the house ahead, turn off the path to the right, go to the fence and cast the invisibility spell. Then look around the corner of the house and you will see a chest.

Eye Chest 23
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Region: North Hogsmeade
Teleport to the specified point, and then turn left and run across the bridge. Then immediately turn left again and cast the invisibility spell. Go down the path a little and you will see a chest next to the building.
Eye Chest 24
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Region: South Hogsmeade
Go to the marked point, go forward a little and turn right. Move forward along the street, and then turn right again next to the lamppost. Go along the stone fence and apply the invisibility spell, as soon you will see a chest.
Eye Chest 25
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Region: South Hogsmeade
Teleport to the specified point, go forward a little and turn left, and then left again and go down the street to the Tomes and Scrolls store. Cast invisibility on yourself, go inside, look behind the bench and go into the room on the left. There you will find the object you need.
Eye Chest 26
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Region: South Hogsmeade
After teleporting to the marked place, stand facing the green flame and go right through the wooden gate. Run forward, climbing over the stone fences, and go up the stairs. Use the invisibility spell and find the chest near the railing.

Eye Chest 27
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Region: North Hogsmeade
After you find the chest in the Timophylls and Toadstools trading shop (20th in a row), exit the establishment, turn left and climb onto a rocky ledge. Run forward and turn left near the chimney. Then apply the invisibility spell and start climbing up to a small house - next to it you will see a chest.

Finding all 27 eye chests in Hogwarts Legacy will earn you 13,500 gold coins. This amount will be enough to buy most of the items you need in the first half of the game.
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