In Hogwarts Legacy Legendary Chests are a special type of storage from which you can get guaranteed legendary equipment, which is the best in the game. In this guide, we will tell you where to find all these chests, when to open them, and how to get the type of equipment you need.
Legendary equipment in Hogwarts Legacy
What does the best gear look like?
We are talking about extremely rare items that can be easily distinguished from other things in the inventory by a bright orange background. Not only can they significantly increase Defense, Health or Offense (compared to other pieces of equipment of a similar level), but they also allow you to set Level 3 Stats, which are the most powerful in the game.

Thus, if you want to unleash the full potential of your character's combat potential, then you will need to equip him with legendary equipment, and then improve these clothes using the Loom in the Help Room.
Note: Some orange items may be unknown, meaning you will know their type but not see their stats. To identify a thing, you will need to take it to the Help-room and study it on a special table.
How to get the best stuff
There are three main ways to get legendary items in the game. The first of them is associated with the opening of any ordinary chests, with the exception of collectible chests (small caskets), from which a rare item can drop with a small probability. Not the most convenient method, because even with save-load it can take you a lot of time to get the desired thing.

The second way involves buying legendary items in the store. You can definitely buy them from the owner of the Cap of Invisibility located in Hogsmeade. However, you should be prepared for the high cost of these gizmos. In addition, they scale based on your level, and the vendor's inventory is randomly generated. For this reason, we do not advise you to buy this equipment as a low-level hero.
The third method involves finding and opening legendary chests - they are large and have a beautiful pattern (see screenshot below). In them you are guaranteed to find an orange item that is randomly selected by the game. For this reason, we recommend that you make sure to save before opening such a chest, so that you can then load the save and try your luck again if you do not like the equipment that has dropped before.

Note that these chests may drop items that are sold in the clothing store. As in the trading shop, they are tied to the level of the protagonist. So we highly recommend that you do not open these vaults in the first half of the game, otherwise the items obtained from them will very soon be surpassed by less rare items.
We advise you to take up the opening of these chests for about 18-25 level. We add that in Hogwarts Legacy there are no tasks, treasures or puzzles that allow you to get the best set of equipment. Therefore, it is the search for legendary chests that can be considered the most reliable method of obtaining the best equipment at Hogwarts.
Where to find legendary chests in Hogwarts Legacy
They are hidden not only in Hogwarts, but also in its surroundings. Often they are behind closed doors, so you should first open and pump Alohomoru. You may need other types of spells - we will definitely indicate this in the article. We also advise you to keep before your eyes interactive map of the world to better navigate the area.
Legendary Chest 1
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Inner Court of the Bell Tower (Wing of the Bell Tower)
Teleport to the indicated location, turn left and climb the stairs to the very top to go to the music room. Then use the stairs on the right to climb to the top of the bell tower. After getting outside, turn the camera to the left, and you will immediately see the desired chest.
Legendary Chest 2
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Greenhouses (Extension to the library)
You will need to go through a hidden herbology corridor. If you have already completed the Poisonous Courage side quest, then remember that it is located next to the greenhouses. Otherwise, just look at the screenshots below - the passage will be hidden behind the vines, which will need to be burned with a fire spell (for example, Incendio).
Once inside, make your way through the corridor, using Lumos to scare away the devil's snares. Turn left and then turn right near the giant flower and go up the stairs. You will find yourself in a greenhouse, in the far corner of which there is a chest.

Legendary Chest 3
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Viaduct Courtyard (Great Hall)
Teleport to the specified location and go down to the bridge with the braziers. You will need to put the correct numbers on them, and then light them up to open the way to the lower water channel, where the chest is. We talked about this in more detail in separate guide.

Legendary Chest 4
- Region: Hogwarts
- Function: Dark Arts Defense Class (Astronomy Wing)
Once in the indicated place, go into the office in front of you, climb the ladder and break open the door with the lock of the 2nd level. After entering the teacher's office, turn right, open the door and go down the stairs. Open the grate on level 3 and you will find a chest inside.

Legendary Chest 5
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Clocktower Courtyard (South Wing)
Travel to the indicated point of the flying flame and break open the door to the left of the exit. Climb up the stairs. Here you will find four symbols between which the pendulum moves. You will need to stop him next to the signs in order to open the doors with bars. We talked about this in more detail in separate guide.
You will also need a door located on the flight of stairs between the third and fourth tiers. Go through it, and then open another door directly in front of you. Inside you will find a chest.
Legendary Chest 6
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Teachers' Tower (South Wing)
After teleporting, run forward along the corridor and immediately turn right and unlock the grate to enter the teaching area. Climb up the stairs to the third floor and break open the door of the 3rd level. Behind it you will find the legendary chest.

Legendary Chest 7
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Cartography Hall (Secret Rooms)
Teleport to the marked point and climb up the spiral staircase. Next, go down the corridor ahead and climb even higher along the second spiral staircase. Then turn left, go through the lattice door and go down to the second lattice. Hack it and go inside.
Then interact with the toad to move to another location. Next, use the frog again - do this two more times before you find yourself right in front of the legendary chest.
Legendary Chest 8
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Hall of Trophies (Stairs of Hogwarts)
After teleporting, go through the passage to the right of the green light. Move to the opposite exit and turn right. Climb the stairs and enter the corridor. Then turn into the door on the left side - inside you will find a chest.

Legendary Chest 9
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Hall of Trophies (Stairs of Hogwarts)
After finding the last chest, leave the room and continue running along the zigzag corridor forward without turning anywhere, and then go up the circular stairs. Turn right and enter the room with the wooden spiral staircase. Here, turn into the left door, breaking the lock of the 3rd level. Go inside and look for a chest in one of the rooms behind this door.

Legendary Chest 10
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Hall of Trophies (Stairs of Hogwarts)
From the previous chest, go back to the spiral staircase and climb it up. Once in the stone corridor with statues, turn left and go upstairs to the headmaster's office. You will be able to do this after completing the "Revolving Potion Effect" story quest. There is another way - to fly to the balcony on a broomstick. We have discussed both methods in detail in separate guide.

Once inside, turn the camera to the left and break open the level 3 door to get into Black's bedroom. Inside you will find the chest you need.
Legendary Chest 11
- Region: Hogwarts
- Area: Hall of Trophies (Stairs of Hogwarts)
After finding the previous chest, return to the office and go through the second door on the left to climb to the very top of the tower and find the access key lying on the table.
Exit the office into the corridor with the statues and run the other way. At the very end, you will find a strange lattice door with a large keyhole in the center. Use the previously found access key to open this door. Behind it you will find the legendary chest.
Legendary Chest 12
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Area: shop "Stitches and Hoods"
It can be found in the back of the indicated store, which can be accessed after completing the exclusive mission for PlayStation console owners called "My business" .

Legendary Chest 13
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Region: South Hogsmeade
Move to the marked location and then turn right and enter the house shown in the screenshots below. To do this, you will have to break open the door of the 3rd level. After going inside, go up to the second floor, and you will immediately see a chest.

Legendary Chest 14
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Region: South Hogsmeade
After finding the previous chest, exit the building and immediately turn right into the alley between the houses. Then go around the corner of the left house, and near the stairs you will find the desired object.

Legendary Chest 15
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Region: North Hogsmeade
Travel to the indicated point of the flying flame, and then go to the closed door shown in the screenshots below. Pick the level 2 lock and go inside. On the right you will immediately see the object you need.

Legendary Chest 16
- Region: Hogsmeade
- Region: West Hogsmeade
It can be found in the Peplumba Secret Hideout located in the western part of the village. You will be able to get there during the "Basic for Blackmail" side mission, which is part of the Natsai Onai questline. Look for the chest in the first spacious room, where you will have to fight several opponents.
Legendary Chest 17
- Region: North Ford Swamp
- Region: Pitt-on-Ford
After teleporting to the marked area, move south and look for a lonely building, the entrance to which is locked with a level 3 lock. Hack it, go inside and find the chest on the lower floor.

Legendary Chest 18
- Region: Hogsmeade Valley
- Region: Upper Hogsfield
Head to the marked location and look ahead for a large building with an inscription over the entrance "Delicious Butterbeer"
. Enter inside and climb up the wooden stairs on the left side. Then just burn the web to open the chest.
Legendary Chest 19
- Region: Hogsmeade Valley
- Region: Fulbarton Castle
Head to the eastern part of the area to the indicated fortress. Take to the air on a broom and fly to the edge of the dilapidated castle to see the chest on the upper platform.

Legendary Chest 20
- Region: Hogsmeade Valley
- Region: Upper Hogsfield
Head to the marked area to find an unusual labyrinth. Here you will find a huge plant arch. Walk through it to start the test. Activate Revelio and you will see the location of the required object. This spell will also help you find your way out of the hedgerows.

Legendary chest 21
- Region: South Hogwarts
- Region: Southwest
Head to the purple dot shown on the map below. Here you will find a waterfall, to the right of which there will be an alcove hidden behind vines. Burn the plants with a fire spell and take the contents of the chest.
Legendary Chest 22
- Region: South Hogwarts
- Region: Aranshire
Teleport to the marked village, and then go forward and look for a chest to the left of the house, behind a stone fence.
Legendary Chest 23
- Region: South Hogwarts
- Region: Lower Hogsfield
Head to the place shown in the pictures below. There you will find a green archway - go through it for a labyrinth to appear. Use Revelio to find the chest and exit.
Legendary Chest 24
- Region: Hogwarts Valley
- Region: Brockburrow
Go to the marked village located in the east of the region. Then enter the house shown in the images below. After entering inside, turn the camera to the right, and you will immediately see a chest in front of you.

Legendary Chest 25
- Region: Hogwarts Valley
- Region: Kynbridge
Head to the marked settlement, and then move northwest and look for a small building there. Pick the lock of the second level and go inside. You will immediately see the object you need.

Legendary Chest 26
- Region: Hogwarts Valley
- Region: Kynbridge
Transfer to the village, and then fly west to the ruins near the mountain. Land on the wooden platform near the tower and destroy the crate and barrel to unlock the passage. Get inside, deal with the spiders and use the Wingardium Leviosa to pick up the box in the center of the room.
Climb onto it and climb onto the top ledge. Climb up the wooden ladder even higher and you will find a chest here.
Legendary Chest 27
- Region: Hogwarts Valley
- Region: Kynbridge
After teleporting to the indicated village, enter the house shown in the screenshots below (it is located on the left side). You will have to open the second level door first. Once inside, go up to the top floor and you will immediately see a chest.

Legendary Chest 28
- Region: Hogwarts Valley
- Region: Kynbridge
After moving to the marked village, head west to the cave, which is inhabited by infamous enemies. The entrance to it is located near the river and a small path. Once inside, go to the back of the dungeon and burn the vines to unlock the chest.

Legendary Chest 29
- Region: Hogwarts Valley
- Region: Kynbridge
Travel south from said village to the next infamous enemy lair. Here you will find the Swamp Troll. Behind his tent, behind a canopy of logs and branches, there will be a chest you need.

Legendary Chest 30
- Region: Feldcroft Region
- Region: Feldcroft
After teleporting, move to the wooden tower on the edge of the village. The chest is right below it.
Legendary Chest 31
- Region: Feldcroft Region
- Domain: Feldcroft Catacombs
Go to the indicated point, and then move west. Take on the challenge of Merlin, located nearby, to destroy the stone and unlock the passage in the rock. Then just burn the vines and you can take the contents of the chest.

Legendary Chest 32
- Region: Feldcroft Region
- Region: Irondale
Move to the indicated village, and then enter the house shown in the screenshots below. You will need to pick the level 2 lock. Once inside, turn the camera to the left and you will immediately see a chest.
Legendary Chest 33
- Region: Lake Marunvim
- Region: Mine Beregovaya
Move to the marked area and go right to the iron door locked with a level 3 lock. Behind it you will find the object you need.

Legendary Chest 34
- Region: Lake Marunvim
- Region: Mine Beregovaya
You will most likely unlock it during the Lodgok Loyalty story mission. If you missed this chest, then first move to the indicated point of the flying flame, and then go down back into the mine using the cart.

Next, pull the platform towards you and move forward to the very end. Then melt the stove and use the elevator to go down to the very bottom. Deal with the infamous foe and troll, or simply sneak past them with an invisibility spell, then open the chest.
Legendary Chest 35
- Region: Lake Marunvim
- Region: Marunvim Bridge
Head to the indicated bridge and then fly to the opposite side and land on the top platform of the tower. Pick the third level lock on the barred door and go inside. On the left you will find the desired object.
Legendary Chest 36
- Region: Lake Marunvim
- Region: Lake Marunvim
Move to the indicated point and find the chest near the reservoir, at the foot of the rocky ledge.

Legendary Chest 37
- Region: Lake Marunvim
- Region: Marunvim
Move to the specified village, and then run forward and to the left to a small house made of stones. Go inside and on the right you will see a chest.
Legendary Chest 38
- Region: Cape Manor
- Region: Beinburg
After teleporting to the marked village, run to the house on the left side. Behind him there will be a fence that needs to be destroyed by fire. Behind it you will find the object you are looking for.

Legendary Chest 39
- Region: Cape Manor
- Region: West of Cape Manor
Teleport to the specified point, and then sit on the broomstick and climb up to the rock in the north. Fly over it and head towards the dilapidated mansion ahead. You will find a chest in a small building. Pick the lock of the second level and go inside.
Legendary Chest 40
- Region: Cape Manor
- Region: South of Cape Manor
Reach the southern part of the specified region. The desired point is marked with a purple marker on the map. Go down to the coast where the boat sank. Here you will find a hidden passage. Destroy the vines with fire and take the contents of the chest.

Legendary Chest 41
- Region: Cragcroftshire
- Region: Cragcroftshire Coast
Travel to the indicated point of the flying flame, and then fly southeast to the purple mark on the map. Here you will find the ruins of the fortress. Fly under the stone corridor connecting the tower with the rock. Inside you will find the object you are looking for.

Legendary Chest 42
- Region: Cragcroftshire
- Region: Cragcroft
Teleport to the specified village, turn around and right behind the building in which the flying flame is located, you will find this chest.
Legendary Chest 43
- Region: Cragcroftshire
- Region: Cragcroft
After finding the previous chest, fly to the thatched house shown in the screenshots below. Enter it and on the left you will see the object you need.

Legendary Chest 44
- Region: Cragcroftshire
- Region: Cragcroft
Head southeast from the marked village. There you will find an arch of leaves. Go through it and use Revelio to find the chest and exit the maze.
Legendary Chest 45
- Region: Southern swamp by the sea
- Region: Center of the swamp
Head to the location shown in the screenshots below. There you will see an arch of plants. Go through it, and then use Revelio to find the chest and exit the maze.

Legendary Chest 46
- Region: Poidseer Coast
- Region: Eastern part
Head to the location shown in the screenshots below. There you will see an arch of plants. Go through it, and then use Revelio to find the chest and exit the maze.

Legendary Chest 47
- Region: Lake Marunvim
- Region: Marunvim Bridge
Teleport to the indicated point of the flying flame, and then fly northeast to the bandit camp. The object you need is at the top of a dilapidated tower. Fighting opponents is optional.
At this point in time, these are all the legendary chests that we could find in Hogwarts Legacy. We hope that this information will help you get the best equipment for your hero. If you have information about other similar chests, you can tell about it in the comments to the guide.
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