Merlin's trials Hogwarts Legacy - a separate layer of thematically grouped puzzles designed to test the player's ingenuity and his mastery of basic magical arts. In this guide, we will consider each type of such riddles separately, indicating how to complete them and the location of the tests themselves. Although there are 95 different puzzle points, the mechanisms for solving them follow the general rules, and the reward will be the achievement "Merlin's beard" and an increased inventory of equipment.
How to Start Merlin's Trials
The quests themselves will appear on the map after completing the story mission "Merlin's Trials", in which you can also get acquainted with the basics of solving these riddles. In the future, you can continue to explore the world around you, visiting the points marked on the map with a pen symbol - these are the trials of Merlin.
Important: none of Merlin's trials can be missed. You are completely free to choose how and when to take them. You can track progress on the counter on the right side of the map.
To start solving the puzzle, you must use the sweet mallow on the stone slab at the starting point of the test. After completing the introductory quest, you will have 4 more pieces to sample, but in the future you will have to look for this ingredient yourself, buying from merchants or growing it in a help-room. The plant itself can be bought in the store "Magic swede" in Hogsmeade, where its seeds are sold.
Note: a recipe for making a table with pots can be bought nearby, in the store "Tomes and Scrolls". In total, up to 7 such devices can be placed, each is capable of growing 5 units of sweet mallow in 10 minutes, that is. 35 pieces in total.
Varieties of Merlin's Trials
Test with cores
You need to find a platform with recesses - you need to collect five balls hidden nearby in a slide into it. You can roll them over with the help of the Accio enchantment, and move them over obstacles with the spell "Levioso". The Revelio spell will help you find stones in rough terrain, especially if you use a flying vehicle and inspect the surroundings from a height.

Note: you can remove interfering objects of the environment using the spells "Incendio", "Confringo", "Depulso".
It is required to roll the ball into the hole, which can sometimes be covered with old branches. The obstacle can be removed with fire spells, and the stone itself can be conveniently rolled to the target with spells "Depulso".
As in other tests, we advise you to first examine the area with magic "Revelio", so you can clearly see all the objects available for interaction.
Trial with lights
In this activity, speed is important. Try to find all the braziers at once and light them, starting with the highest one, leaving the one closest to the ground for the last. Immediately after ignition, they begin to sink down, contact with the ground must not be allowed. Try to use a spell "Confringo", it is more convenient here than the usual "Incendio".

Destruction of columns
After starting this puzzle, stone pillars will start to grow near you. Use the Confringo Charm or "Bombard" to attack them. Usually you need to destroy three to five pillars, so just look around and destroy them until the test is completed.
"Tir" with small balls
Here you need to detect all targets and hit them with a basic spell. When all the white balls on the stands are destroyed, the test is passed.
Moth test
It is necessary to take groups of moths to several columns. Butterflies will follow the light "Lumosa" on your stick.
Column jumping
This test does not require the help of magic at all. Near the point where the test began, find the stone pillars. You need to move along them, starting from the lowest, but without touching the ground throughout the entire route.
Statue Challenge
If you see characteristic statues placed around before the start of the test, then when the event starts, they will be destroyed. Your task is to restore them all with the help of spells. "Reparo", after which the test ends safely. Revelio's detection magic will help you find the wreckage of the monuments.
Rune Trial
Use enchantments to solve these puzzles. "Flippendo", which allow you to flip objects. Spin the dice until there are runes with the same symbol on each side. You can learn more about these charms in our material on all spells and conditions for obtaining them.
Where to find all the trials of Merlin
These puzzles are scattered throughout the accessible territory, they are not only within the boundaries of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. Below we grouped them on the maps depending on the region.
Northern swamp ford - 4 trials
Let's start the review with the northern regions. In the swamp, 4 puzzles are quite compactly located, each not far from the point with a flying flame.

Forbidden Forest - 3 Challenges
One of the pen marks is right on the border between the forest and the swamps, you can start from it, and only then go deeper into the thicket and finish off the two remaining points in this area.

Hogsmeade Valley - 5 Challenges
Merlin's next trials can be found east of the Forbidden Forest on the plains and further on at the foothills. But one of the points is located separately in the southern fields.

North Hogwarts - 5 trials
The area around Hogwarts is getting more spacious and the puzzles are spread out over a wider area, but the teleportation points are still fairly close to the puzzles.

South Hogwarts - 15 trials
In the most developed areas of the magical world, there are a lot of tests of Merlin. In south Hogwarts, the two main areas with them are located along the south road and in the hills on the east side of the lake.

Hogwarts Valley - 16 trials
Here, most of the puzzles are grouped in the northwest, but to get to each of them, you already have to run or fly a bit.
Feldcroft Region - 16 Challenges
Do not miss the opportunity to take a walk along the coast of Feldcroft, because most of the mysteries are located on the coastline.
Southern Swamp by the Sea - 2 Trials of Merlin
Small area, local puzzles can be closed at the same time as Feldcroft or Hogwarts Valley.

Poidseer Coast - 10 Challenges
Tests in this zone are equidistant from several points of movement, you can choose any and move from them to the nearest points of interest.

Lake Marunvim - 4 tests
As you move away from the central areas of the game, the challenges become smaller, but on Lake Marunvim they are literally near points with a flying flame, which will allow you to complete them at any time.

Cape Manor - 5 Challenges
There is only one teleportation point here, so you have to fly around or go around all the puzzles yourself, relying on the map.

Cragcroftshire - 5 challenges
In Cragcroftshire, the tests are placed quite compactly, one of them is right next to the settlement.

Klagmar Coast - 5 Challenges
The last southern area also includes 5 puzzles arranged in a semicircle around the teleportation point.

You will receive the "Merlin's Beard" achievement immediately after solving all the puzzles.
In this article, we looked at the main points that will allow you to successfully complete all of Merlin's trials in Hogwarts: Legacy. Please leave any additions in the comments, where you can also tell about your impressions of the gaming activity in question.
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