In Sons of the Forest, Map Keys are important items that you can use to open locked doors, which often contain weapons, supplies, and other valuable items. In this guide, we will tell you where you can find these cards, and what exactly you need them for.
All Keycards in Sons of the Forest
In total, you can find three key cards in the game, and you will most likely come across the doors that they open at the beginning of the game, since one of the bunkers is located near one of the starting locations. The map below shows the location of all three cards. As you can see, they are all located in the western part of the island.

We add that in order to get into the final bunker and complete the main plot of the game, you will need all access cards, so you will have to look for them anyway.
Where is the blue keycard
This is a common misconception among players, as there is no blue color key in Sons of the Forest. Many mistakenly decided that since the digital lock on the doors glows blue, then the card for it should also have the same shade. However, it is possible that a similar item will appear in the future.
Where is the red staff keycard
Before you go looking for her, get shovel. Then go to the place shown in the screenshots below and dig a hatch. Climb inside and go into the room with a 3D printer - next to it will be the item you need.
Note that in this shelter you can find a laser sight for a shotgun or pistol and a fire ax. As for using the staff key card, you will need it to unlock the passages in other bunkers. We talked about this in more detail in separate guide.
Where is the yellow VIP key card
Move to the cave entrance, the location of which is shown in the screenshots below. Go inside and get to the guard room, dealing with the monsters along the way or bypassing them. The entire route is shown in detail in our separate article. On the way, by the way, you can find a crossbow and bolts to it.
In the room where the card lies, you can also find a mount for a shotgun. Then return to the corridor and open the double doors at the end to enter the room where the dress for Virginia. You will also need this key to unlock the doors in the other hideouts.
Where is the purple guest key card
You can find it in the bunker, the entrance to which is shown in the images below. IN separate guide we have explained in detail how to get there. Note that in this shelter you can also find a guitar and a chainsaw, which are good melee weapons.
You will need this card to open a couple of doors located in the specified bunker and in the location where you can find the golden armor. Let's add that before the patches, this key did not work as it should, therefore it was considered useless - now the error with it has been fixed.
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