Elemental Resonance in Genshin Impact are bonus effects that you can get when making up a squad. In this guide, we will take a closer look at this concept and look at how to activate the effect of elemental resonance.
How Elemental Resonance works
Resonance is activated when your team has 2 heroes of the same element (although one of the resonances, on the contrary, requires 4 unique elements). The maximum number of resonances in a squad is 2 if there are 2 characters of one element and 2 characters of another.

Elemental Resonance is active when:
- A complete squad of 4 characters has been assembled.
- In co-op mode; including in dungeons if all players are there.
- One of the heroes forming the resonance may die - the effect will continue to operate.
Resonance does not work when:
- You get a Trial Hero in Story Quests/Legend Quests/Encounters, and its element matches the elements of your fighters.
- There are less than 4 heroes in the team.
- In multiplayer, if not all players are in the dungeon.
In addition, the effect of resonance does not change if you have more than 2 heroes of the same element in your squad.
Types of elemental resonances
You can track the elements and resonances in your squad in the squad menu by opening a special tab on the top right.
Now let's look at what effects your squad will receive from various elemental resonances, as well as their advantages and possible disadvantages.
Resonance | Elements | Effect |
Fervent Flames |
Pyro x2 |
Reduces the duration of the cryo effect by 40%. Increases attack power by 25%.An increase in SA is a great bonus for most characters, especially since many Pyro heroes are damage dealers or supports whose skills depend on this indicator. |
Shatteringce |
Cryo x2 |
Reduces the duration of the Electro effect by 40%. Increases Critical Chance against Enemies affected by Cryo or reactions Elemental Reaction: Frozen by 15%.Cryo Resonance allows players to build characters more comfortably by focusing on critical damage in artifacts. |
Enduring Rock |
Geo x2 |
Increases shield strength by 15%. A hero with a shield increases damage by 15%. Enemy geo resistance is reduced by 20% for 15 seconds.The only disadvantage of the effect is its availability - there are quite a few Geo heroes in the game. If you don't play Geo in a pack, pick up suitable supports in addition to Noelle / Zhongli can be problematic. |
Soothing Water |
Hydro x2 |
Reduces the duration of the Pyro effect by 40%. Increases maximum HP by 25%.Among the playable Hydro heroes at the time of update 3.7, more than half require pumping maximum HP, which gives us a corresponding response. The effect is also perfect for a squad with Hu Tao and other heroes whose skills depend on HP. |
Impetuous Winds |
Anemo x2 |
Reduces stamina consumption by 15%, skill cooldown by 5%. Increases speed by 10%.Anemo resonance can be a great help in exploring the world, especially since many Anemo heroes ( Sayu, Xiao, Wanderer etc.) by themselves allow you to move around Teyvat faster. However, in combat, it will not provide significant bonuses, unless one of your fighters is playing from charged attacks. |
High Voltage |
Electro x2 |
Reduces the duration of the Hydro effect by 40%. Every 5 seconds any reactions with Electro leave a particle of energy.Electro heroes often play from their ult or serve as a battery for the team, so additional particles will definitely not be superfluous. True, the 5 second cooldown makes the resonance not very useful. |
Sprawling Greenery |
Dendro x2 |
Increases MS by 50 points. Reactions Budding, Elemental Reaction: Burning, Stimulate increase characters' MS by 30 for 6 seconds; reactions Vegetation, Growth, Flowering and Exacerbation - by 20 at the same time.An ideal resonance for Dendro packs, because the vast majority of them play from reactions. |
Threads of protection | 4 different elements | Increases elemental and physical resistance by 15%.A good option for beginners when there are few heroes in the collection and it can be difficult to create a resonance. Subsequently, the resistance increase becomes useless, especially in the Abyss or other trials, where you are more likely to take a healer and / or shielder. |
It has been verified by players that Electro Resonance can be activated with Dispel. That is, by inflating Hydro, Pyro or Cryo on enemies with an Electro effect, you will receive a resonance bonus and an elemental particle.
Another interesting feature concerns cryo resonance. If you, having 2 Cryo heroes in the squad, trigger a reaction on an enemy with a Cryo effect, the critical chance of this reaction will also be increased due to resonance.
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