In Genshin Impact Xiao is a 5-star Anemo-class character who uses a spear in battle. He can be a great primary damage dealer as he moves quickly across the battlefield, dealing massive amounts of damage to enemies. In this guide, we will tell you about his best builds, weapons and artifacts. You will also learn what commands you can create with it.
Xiao abilities and traits
Like cryo archer Ganyu, this Achievement: Hero is great for destroying powerful bosses or a large number of ordinary monsters. All thanks to its unique advantages:
- His elemental skill allows him to strike from the air, unleashing incredible power on enemies from relative safety.
- The presence of skills that promote flight make him a suitable character for exploring various locations.
- Melee attacks are extremely fast and easy to use.

If we consider the shortcomings of Xiao, then only one minus can be attributed to them - to increase damage, you must sacrifice your health. Therefore, without good support he can not do. More on this below.
How to use Xiao
Shortening distances, expanding combos and air dashes
The elemental skill "Lemniscatic Wind Cycling" gives the character very high mobility and allows him to deal double Anemo damage to enemies standing in front of him. It can also be used mid-air as an air dash, or turned into a powerful fall attack.
Use this skill to expand combos of normal attacks, close distances with enemies that strike from afar, dodge enemy attacks, or reach hard-to-reach places outside of combat.
You can also use this ability to restore a small amount of stamina while climbing cliffs, making it much easier for you to explore some regions.
Elemental Burst increases damage and mobility
Bane of All Evil greatly increases the damage of the hero's attacks, allowing them to deal damage to Anemo, and dramatically increases the strength of his jumps, making it possible to easily repeat attacks from the air. That's just at the same time the character's health points are quickly spent.
Block animations for drop spam attacks
By landing a falling strike and then double jumping after landing on the ground, you can cancel the animation that plays as soon as the character touches the ground. You will then immediately be airborne again, allowing you to perform an air attack again. As a result, while Purge All Evil is active, you can start spamming such hits, dealing massive damage to enemies.
Xiao will not take damage from enemy attacks when falling. In addition, he will not lose health if he falls from a great height. However, always keep a good healer on hand to heal the hero between elemental blast cooldowns.
Passive skills and talents
As for the passive skills that are unlocked when a character is elevated, they look like this:
- Conqueror of Evil: Tamer of Demons - Increases the hero's damage dealt by 5% after activating Purge All Evil. Damage continues to increase by 5% every 3 seconds. The maximum can rise to 25 percent.
- Dissolution Eon: Heaven Fall - After using Lemniscatic Wind Cycling, if you use this skill again for 7 seconds, its damage will be increased by 15%.
- Transcension: Gravity Defier - Reduces the stamina cost of the used hero when climbing by 20%.

If we talk about talents, then to open them, as usual, you need "character Serendipity ", obtained by dropping copies of the hero.
- Dissolution Eon: Destroyer of Worlds - Increases the number of charges of Wind Lemniscate by one.
- Annihilation Eon: Blossom of Kaleidos - While in a party, but not as an active hero, Xiao has 25 percent faster Obtaining Energy.
- Conqueror of Evil: Wrath Deity - Increases Wind Lemniscate by 3. Transcension: Extinction of Suffering - Increases the hero's defense by 100% when their health bar drops below 50%.
- Evolution Eon: Origin of Ignorance - Increases the level of Purge All Evil by 3.
- Conqueror of Evil: Guardian Yaksha - Hitting 2 or more enemies with a falling blow while Elemental Blast is active grants the hero 1 additional elemental skill charge. It can be used for the next second, regardless of the cooldown.
Best builds for Xiao
Since this spearman is the main DPS, it is necessary to increase his damage as much as possible. At the same time, it should be remembered that he can hurt enemies not only with his usual attacks, but also with elemental explosions.
The best weapon
- Primordial Jade Winged-Spear (5-Star) - On hit, increases attack power by 3.2 percent for 6 seconds. Can stack up to 7 times. The effect only triggers once every 0.3 seconds. With the maximum possible number of charges, damage is increased by 12 percent. The best option for Xiao.
- Blackcliff Pole (4-star) - After destroying an enemy, attack power is increased by 12% for 30 seconds. Can stack up to three times. A good alternative to the previous weapon.
- Skyward Spine (5-Star) – Increases critical strike chance by 8 percent and uncharged attack speed by 12 percent. On hit with a Normal or Charged Hit, it has a 50% chance to summon an intangible blade that deals 40% area of effect damage. The effect can trigger once every 2 seconds.
- Deathmatch (4-star) - When two or more enemies are near the hero, his defense and attack are increased by 16 percent. If there is only one nearby enemy, then the attack is increased by 24%.
- Staff of Homa (5-Star) - Increases health by 20 percent and increases attack bonus by 0.8 percent of maximum HP. If the life bar falls below half, then the attack is additionally increased by 1 percent.
- Vortex Vanquisher (5-star) - Increases shield strength by 20%. On hit, increases Attack Rating by 4% for 8 seconds. The effect stacks up to five times and occurs every 0.3 seconds. While under the shield, the character's attack from this effect is increased by 100%. This spear reveals its potential only if there is a character in the team that can cast shields, such as Zhongli.

Best Artifacts
As for artifacts, when choosing the upper characteristics, you should focus on the probability of crits and critical damage (in a ratio of 1 to 2) / attack power / Anemo damage, and the lower ones - the chance of crit and critical damage / attack power / Obtaining Energy (if it is not enough for ult). The most efficient set looks like this:
- 2 artifacts from the Gladiator’s Finale set - increase attack by 18 percent. Can be obtained from elite bosses.
- 2 artifacts from the Viridescent Venerer set - increase Anemo damage by 15%. Can be found in the dungeon "Valley of Remembrance" .

The best team for Xiao
Xiao is a highly mobile character who performs well as a main damage dealer, but he needs constant pumping from other Anemo heroes. With it, you can collect some interesting teams. First option:
- Primary DPS: Xiao
- Secondary DPS/Support: Zhongli - Grants shields and reduces mob resistances
- Support: Sucrose - helps restore energy
- Traveling Doctor: Bennett - heals allies and buffs their attack
Second option:
- Primary DPS: Xiao
- Secondary DPS: Ganyu - breaks electrical shields and deals massive elemental burst damage after collecting Venti enemies (can be replaced by Klee)
- Support: Venti - helps restore energy
- Traveling Doctor: Bennett - heals allies and buffs their attack
Third option (more or less free):
- Primary DPS: Xiao
- Secondary DPS: Fischl - use her ult
- Support: VentySucrose - helps restore energy
- Traveling Doctor: Barbara - heals allies

Leveling Xiao
How to improve skills
To do this, you need to collect some materials:
- Teachings, directions and philosophies about "Prosperity" - can be obtained in the dungeon Taishan Mansion on Mondays and Thursdays.
- Slime, secretions, and Slime Concentrate - dropped from slimes or created by alchemy.
- Shadow of the Warrior is a boss material dropped in the Golden Chamber from Childe.
How to level up a character
You can do this by collecting the following items:
- First Ascension (Level 20) – 1 Vayuda Turquoise Sliver, 3 Qing Xin Flowers, 3 Slime Slimes
- Second Ascension (Level 40) – 3 Wayud Turquoise Fragments, 2 Immature Jade, 10 Qing Xin Flowers, 15 Slime Slime
- Third Ascension (Level 50) – 6 Wayud Turquoise Fragments, 4 Immature Jade, 20 Qing Xin Flowers, 12 Slime Excretion
- Fourth Ascension (Level 60) – 3 Wayud Turquoises, 8 Immature Jades, 30 Qing Xin Flowers, 18 Slime Excretions
- Fifth Ascension (Level 70) – 6 Wayud Turquoise, 12 Immature Jade, 45 Qing Xin Flowers, 12 Slime Concentrates
- Sixth Ascension (Level 80) – 6 Precious Wayud Turquoises, 20 Immature Jades, 60 Qing Xin Flowers, 24 Slime Concentrates
You can get Vayuda Turquoise with Hypostasis Anemo or buy at souvenir shop, and Juvenile Jade falls out with ancient geovishap. Qing Xin flowers are a local curiosity of Liyue. IN separate guide their location is indicated.
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