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    Djinn Akabi in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get the jackpot and the Trident of Niruln

    Djinn Akabi in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get the jackpot and the Trident of Niruln


    In Baldur's Gate 3 Akabi is a genie who can be found in the End of Days Circus and played in a game with him. If you can win the jackpot from him, then you will be able to go into the jungle and find there a legendary weapon called Nirulna. This trident is perfect for Karlach.

    How to get the legendary Niruln Trident

    How to get to the End of Days Circus

    Get to the town of Rivington at the very beginning of Act 3, and then go to the End of Days Circus (X: -20, Y: -77), which is located in the western part of the settlement north of the local waypoint. To enter the amusement park you will either have to pay 200 gold coins, or intimidate, deceive or convince the guard to let you in for free.

    How to win the jackpot on the Akabi Genie Wheel

    After entering the circus, go further west to the tents. There you will find a genie named Akabi (X: -67, Y: -75) standing near the wheel of fortune. Talk to him. He will invite you to play a kind of lottery - you need to spin the wheel, and then you will have a chance to win an incredible prize. You will need to pay 500 gold coins to participate.

    Spin the wheel once, and if you have good Attention, you will notice that something is wrong with this game. If you want to win, then choose your best pickpocket or drink an invisibility potion, and then go into stealth mode, stand behind Akabi and steal the Djinn Ring from him.

    Then put the newly acquired ring on your hero and ask the genie to spin the wheel again. This time you will hit the jackpot, but Akabi will immediately accuse you of cheating. You can choose any phrase in the dialogue with him, since he will still send your character to the Jungle.

    Note: We recommend that you spin the wheel with a hero with well-developed Dexterity of Hands or who is able to drag heavy things. Below we will explain why.

    How to get through the Jungle

    So, your character will find himself in an unknown location. Here you just need to go forward to the purple portal. However, on the way you will meet Chultan Alioramas, which resemble raptors. They should not cause any particular problems for a well-leveled warrior or priest (paladin).

    If you are not confident in your abilities, then turn on stealth mode, drink an invisibility potion or use the “Invisibility” spell, and then sneak past the predatory lizards unnoticed. When you reach the cliff, you will need to jump down to the ledge below. If jumping isn't enough, use Flying or Misty Step.

    Near the portal you will find a painted chest, to open it you will need to perform a Sleight of Hand check (20). Inside it lies the legendary trident of Niruln. Note that if you still can’t open the chest yourself, then put it in your inventory, and then return to your friends. Perhaps someone among them will be able to pick the lock, for example, Astarion.

    Who should I give the Trident of Niruln to?

    You can see the characteristics of this weapon in the picture below. It suits Karlach best. You can also give it to your hero if you chose the Barbarian (Berserker) class, which has the Furious Throw ability. The fact is that you can throw this trident at enemies, and then thanks to the “Wind Link” passive, it will immediately return to you.

    Thanks to Shroud of Wind, you will be able to reach opponents faster (which is very important for a barbarian with Fury enabled) and jump further. Plus, you will have two new attack abilities: “Breath of Wind” and “Gust of Wind”.
