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    Le Scaphandre et le Pufferfruit in Genshin Impact: how to complete all training


    In Genshin Impact Le Scaphandre et le Pufferfruit are a secret achievement that require you to complete advanced underwater training to unlock. However, in this guide we will show you how to complete all training underwater, as in this case you will be able to get luxury chest.

    How to unlock the "Le Scaphandre et le Pufferfruit" trophy

    Where is the underwater training area?

    Travel to the underwater teleporter in the northern part of the Liffey District, then swim a little northwest and you will find a terminal near a metal pipe that allows you to start any of three training sessions to choose from.

    However, before interacting with the mechanism, be sure to take the ability from the xenochrome jellyfish swimming nearby. To do this, simply hit it with a normal attack (LMB).

    Habituation training

    Start with habituation training, in which you need to destroy all the plump fruits in 2 attacks. Hold the "E" key to enter aiming mode and release a bomb at the front group of targets, as shown in the picture below. Blow it up by pressing the skill button again.

    Now swim up to the next group of puffy fruits and place a bomb right next to the central cluster of targets (see screenshot below). Next, blow it up. The mine must be placed in aiming mode so that its explosion radius is larger.

    You can also try to blow up all the plump fruits with one bomb, placing it between the front and back clusters of targets. The gif below clearly shows the whole process.

    Regular workout

    Next, select a regular workout, in which you will also have to destroy all the plump fruits in 2 attacks. Swim up to them, and then take aim and release the mine towards the central target when the rest of the clusters of fruit begin to move towards it. Then detonate the bomb, destroying all targets in one hit.

    Advanced Workout

    You will again have to destroy all the plump fruits in two attacks, but this time you will have to make sure that the bombs explode in time. The fact is that if you simply launch a mine into the center of the circle, it will fly past.

    We advise you to stand on the side of the ring and throw a bomb at it - this will make it easier for you to understand when to detonate the bomb. The gif above shows how you can destroy both circles in one attack. Immediately after completing all the challenges, you will receive a luxury chest and unlock the “Le Scaphandre et le Pufferfruit” trophy.
